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About this Site

There are lots of people and organisations producing great resources for children's clubs. It's simply Impact Kids UK’s desire to add to the mix and encourage churches generally to become inspired to work with children within their communities.

The website is a collection of all sorts of bits and pieces, a kind of 'pick & mix' that might help others in running kids clubs in their local community. Some of the material and ideas are fully detailed, others are somewhat brief, even embryonic. One way or another it is hoped that the material here will help you Impact Kids for the good.

Please let us have your feedback. If the content of this website is useful to those running church based kids clubs, the site will be added to on a regular basis.

Few children's clubs will look alike, what works in one area and local culture may not work in the next town or village, in all cases it is necessary to tailor activities to meet the needs of the local community.  

If you have seen something on this site that you would like further information about, please do not hesitate to contact us.