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Illustrated Bible Stories

Video and PowerPoint versions with accompanying leaders’ notes for a range of New Testament Bible stories illustrated with characters and modelled scenery.


1. The Great Escape - Paul’s conversion and escape from Damascus [Video & PowerPoint]
2. Dorcas of Joppa [Video & PowerPoint]
3 Zacchaeus [Video & PowerPoint]
4. ’A Tale of Two Builders’ - Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders [Video & PowerPoint]
5. The Easter Story - Good Friday - Easter Sunday [Video & PowerPoint]
6. The Good Shepherd and the Gate - Jesus said “I Am the Gate” [Video & PowerPoint]
7. The Lost Sheep - Parable of the Lost Sheep [Video & PowerPoint]
8. The Woman at the Well - The Woman from Samaria [Video & PowerPoint]
9. Lazarus of Bethany - The Raising of Lazarus [Video & PowerPoint]
10. The Amazing Boat Trip - Jesus calms the Sea [Video & PowerPoint]
11. Angels at Night Shepherd’s Delight - The First Christmas [Video]
12. The Good Samaritan - [PowerPoint]
13. The Widow of Nain - [Video]
14. The Faithful Friends - Jesus heals the paralysed man [Video]