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Illustrated Bible Stories
2. Dorcas of Joppa - Acts 9. 36 - 42
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Dorcas was alive! The news spread all over Joppa of what had happened that day. Many people came to believe in Jesus because of the miracle of Dorcas coming back to life. This dear lady showed the love of Jesus to those around her by doing acts of kindness. Remember that little acts of kindness each day helps to change the world for the better. Dorcas certainly knew that!
Dorcas was a lovely lady and great follower of Jesus. Dorcas showed the love of Jesus to those around her by doing acts of kindness. Jesus wants us to love other people too; we also can share the love of Jesus by being kind and helping others. Showing Jesus’ love to others is such a good thing to do and pleases Jesus.
Dorcas of Joppa: Power Point
Dorcas of Joppa PowerPoint script.
Dorcas of Joppa quiz