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Some of the quiz ideas listed combine game and quiz fun in a ‘game quiz’. You must risk assess the ideas showcased with respect to their suitability for children for whom you are responsible and the environment you are using. Material is generally aimed at children aged 7 - 10.


Quizzes are of a general nature and where questions are used they are in the main general knowledge type. Some quizzes include Biblical questions but these are limited, so that questions are open to all, irrespective of children’s knowledge of the Bible.

Quiz pages

1. Picture Memory Quiz - Players compete to remember the objects on the reverse of picture frame letters
2. ‘What is it’ Drawing Quiz - Pictures are drawn in stages first team to guess what object is.
3. Egg Game Quiz - Players knock down hollow eggs containing a question. One point for downing the egg, second
point for correct answer to question.

4. Animal Ears Quiz - Pictures of animals ears, players have to say what the animals are before the full animal picture
is revealed.
5. PowerPoint What is It? Picture quizzes - Players compete to see who can identify the most items from part pictures of objects.
6. PowerPoint Memory Quiz - Players remember as much as they can from images of gardening kit before pictures
7. Opposites - Quick fire short quiz where players compete to quickly name the opposite of the word called.
8. Occupations - Players compete to name the most occupations from objects presented.
9. Odd One Out - Players pick the ‘odd one out’ from slides of themed pictures.
10. Whose Tail is This?- Pictures of animals tails, players have to say what the animals are before the full animal picture is revealed.
11. Olympic Sports Symbols Quiz - Players name or guess the Olympic sports denoted by the symbols.
12. True or False Quiz - Players say or guess whether the statement shown against the picture is True or False
13. Treasure PowerPoint Quiz all about treasure and valuable things
(This quiz may be used in conjunction with a chat about Jesus being the greatest treasure you can find. The parable of the treasure hidden in the field from Matthew 13 v 44 More info see ‘The Greatest Treasure’ in Ideas for short chats section)
14. Animal Quiz - PowerPoint quiz where kids are shown part of an animal only and they have to say what that animal is. They may be shown the mouth, teeth, eye, tongue, feet…