The ideas for games, props, backdrops and stage sets outlined and displayed on this website have all been used successfully by Impact Kids UK. However, it is the sole responsibility of any individual or group using these resources or ideas to carry out their own evaluation with respect to the suitability of these resources for use by and in their specific club, group, environment, building and with respect to the children's age / ability for who they are being considered. Any risk assessments and the like that are necessary to ensure that good and safe practice is adopted at all times must be carried out and adhered to by the user.

Impact Kids UK does not accept any liability for use of any of its resources or ideas by others, it is the sole responsibility of the person responsible for using any of the resources, ideas, games, challenges, props and the like detailed on this website to satisfy themselves with respect to safe usage.

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that games and activities are monitored, supervised and appropriately staffed by an appropriate number of adult leaders, which should be assessed by the person or persons running the club or event. It is also the responsibility of the user to assess play areas for their suitability or otherwise with respect to ceiling, wall and floor finishes, heights, lighting and heating fixtures and all other building services equipment.

Games equipment, props and all other kit should never be left unattended where they may potentially create a hazard to children or adults! Stand-up props should be appropriately and safely secured. All due diligence and care must be taken to ensure that pieces of kit at no time present hazards to children in any way.

Construction of props, backdrops, games and the like must only be carried out by suitably qualified and skilled persons. All appropriate safety procedures and practices must be adhered to at all times so as to avoid any personal injury. Protective clothing and equipment must be worn / used wherever appropriate. Use of tools, cutting of materials, and other construction actions must always be carried out in compliance with recommended safe practice.                    

The Impact Kids website is a showcase of resources and materials that have been developed and implemented in the context of several kids clubs. These are made available free of charge as ideas that may inspire you to think about how they might be developed / adapted for use in your context. Impact Kids UK is not providing advice about how any children’s clubs should be run or which activities should be used or the manner in which they should be conducted.