Home > Teaching > Individual Bible chats > Themed Specials > The Greatest Treasure

Treasure Island event slide - PowerPoint downloadable from bottom of this page.

Treasure Island event slide - PowerPoint downloadable from bottom of this page.

Themed Special (no 1)

‘Treasure Island’


‘The Greatest Treasure’
Bible Chat

Treasure Island backdrop painted onto a flat bed sheet

Treasure Island backdrop painted onto a flat bed sheet

This themed special is aimed at providing material for a one-off event with the theme of ‘Treasure’. A fun entertaining drama - ‘Treasure Island’ introduces the theme. The Bible chat ‘The Greatest Treasure’ outlines how the greatest treasure we can ever find is Jesus.

(There is also a fun quiz about treasure, which could be used as part of a treasure themed event. See Quiz 13 - Treasure Quiz)

‘Treasure Island’ Drama

Treasure hunters Bill & Tom arrive at the place on Treasure Island where ‘X’ marks the spot on the map. They dig for treasure and are just about to strike lucky when pirates snatch the treasure from under their eyes. However, in the argument that follows the pirates spill the contents of the treasure chest (chocolate) for Bill & Tom to claim it as their own.


Pirate 1 (P1)
Pirate 2 (P2)
Pirate 3 (P3) puppet pirate
Toucan(s) in the puppet window

Props: Island feel to stage, island backdrops, plants, sound effects, treasure box, toy swords, shovel, explorer’s kit, treasure (chocolate bar), back packs, imitation cardboard rock with a giant snail on it ‘Snail’s Rock’, paper treasure map, PowerPoint slide with treasure map, treasure hole created out of black sheets and cushions.    


Hi kids, today we’re joining two adventurous treasure hunters Bill & Tom, who have travelled across the world all the way to Treasure Island. They are looking for treasure, which has been buried on the island at a secret place marked by an ‘X’ on their map – ‘Snail’s Rock’.

Bill & Tom:
Trek across the island (approaching the stage) the two treasure hunters excitedly talk about finding treasure. They are looking for ‘X’ marks the spot where the treasure is buried and according to the map Tom is holding, this is right in front of ‘Snail’s Rock’.

(Very excitedly) Bill, there it is, there’s ‘Snail’s Rock’!

Bill :
(swiftly with a real spurt in his step making his way to the stage) Yippee, treasure here we come!

(On arriving at the spot, the two throw down their kit and immediately set about clearing away the vegetation to reveal a mound). Tom takes the first shift whilst Bill stands and watches.)

Tom: Let’s get on with this!

Toucan Puppet: Briefly appears in the puppet window, craning his head to see what the diggers are up to.

Tom: (momentarily distracted by the bird) Hey look Bill a tropical bird.

Bill: Now come on we’ve got treasure to find, let’s not start bothering about our feathered friends.

Toucan: (Screws his beak up and disappears.) 

Tom: Phew, tough ground this Bill. (A moment later) Oh no surely not!

 Bill: What, what?

Tom: (hands Bill a wellington boot as a pirate puppet appears very briefly in the window spying on the pair of adventurers)

Bill: Where did that come from? Suppose the guy who buried the treasure left it there. OK let’s have a go.

Pirate puppet: (momentarily appears in the window) 

Bill: (wiping his brow) It must be down here somewhere, that’s what the map says. Your turn Tom.

Tom: (Jumps down into the hole and starts digging. Tom scoops some soil (brown paper bits) which land on Bill).

Bill: Hey watch that!

Pirate 1: (Peers from around the corner of backdrop)

Tom: Sorry Bill got a bit carried away. Hey Bill, do you get the feeling we’re being watched?

Bill: What, naa, watched by who (Bill looks around) – now wait a minute Tom, are you thinking pirates? (Bill laughs) that’s fairy-tale stuff.

(Soon Tom is wiping his brow - suddenly Tom strikes something hard.)

Tom: (puffing and panting a little with exhaustion) I’ve struck something Bill it’s here, just a little further...

Pirate puppet          ) On hearing Tom has struck something The two pirates
     and                      ) appear simultaneously to spy on Bill & Tom. The puppet  
Pirate 1:                   ) in the window and pirate 1 from around the backdrop

Bill: (Jumping up and down) OK Tom let’s get the camera; we must take a picture as we discover the treasure. You’ve got the camera haven’t you.

Tom: Well I haven’t got it, I thought you had it.

Toucan: Appears in window quickly but makes a quick exit as pirate puppet comes up beside him. Pirate quickly disappears.

Whilst the two treasure hunters rummage through their bags in search of the camera, a third pirate (Pirate 2) darts out from centre backdrop door, jumps into the hole and grabs the treasure chest. Alerted to this Tom quickly picks up a spade to challenge the pirate who with treasure chest in one hand, draws his sword with the other and duals with Tom. The pirate puppet appears again, this time cheering his mate on.

Meanwhile Pirate 1 also appears again and Bill chases them off with his spade.

Suddenly in the quarrel with Tom,
Pirate 2 loses his footing and drops the treasure chest before scrambling off.

On seeing his mate defeated the window pirate puppet also disappears.

Appears in the window nodding in approval.

Bill: Phew, well done Tom, let’s prise the chest open and get the treasure.

(Bill and Tom open the treasure chest and take out bars of Cadburys Gold Whisper bars).                    

Tom: Bill we did it we found the treasure, yum, yum! And what did you say about pirates – fairy-tales! 

(The adventurers quickly pack up and leave the scene delighted to have found the treasure.)

Hey kids that was a bit of fun wasn’t it. Today we’re thinking about treasure, I’m sure we would all like to find some treasure wouldn’t we, even if it’s chocolate treasure. Treasure can be really precious.

People go all over the world to find treasure; divers go to the bottom of the ocean to find treasure from old ship wrecks. But the greatest treasure you can ever find is Jesus and the most wonderful thing you can do is become part of His Kingdom, His family. We’re going to hear more about that treasure later.   

The Greatest Treasure - Bible Chat

Cardboard treasure chest see ideas for props no 1 for more pictures.

For Leaders:
Make, beg or borrow some kind of chest or whatever you have, that might be imagined as a treasure chest on stage. Arrange for 2 team members to bring along an item that means something special to them, something that they treasure, something that is not necessarily of monetary value but is valuable to them. People’s treasure might be, something that holds a special memory, a gift, something of sentimental value, an heirloom, a favourite something, a souvenir from a memorable visit somewhere…
Get the team to put their items into the treasure chest, they will each share why their item is special a little later. It is important that the items the team talk about are really interesting in some way, out of the ordinary, unusual, something that will draw the kids’ attention. Also good to keep the items chats short to 1 - 2 min’s.


Props for buried treasure chat:
A flat rug or piece of carpet of some description for the soil of a field.
* A bag of treasure or coins that can be hidden under the rug. Something not too obvious that will lay fairly flat with just a small bump is good.
* A money bag to represent the money the man got from selling all he had.
* A trowel or small shovel.

Have the rug ready laid out on the floor with treasure beneath it before you start the chat.


Chat for kids

Today we are talking about treasure. (Ask the children if they have ever found any treasure?) Well, some of the leaders have put things into the chest that they treasure. Things that are special to them, let’s see what they are. (The first team member with a treasure item draws it from the chest and shares their brief story, followed by the second.)
Now we are going to hear a story Jesus told about a man who found some treasure, this treasure was of great value.


The Buried Treasure (Matthew 13 - 44)

A man was in a field, he may have been working there, he may have just been passing through but whilst he was in this field he stumbled over something hidden in the ground. What was it? He dug into the ground a little and then a little more. What had he found? What was hidden in the soil? Well, when he finally dug it out to his amazement he had found some hidden treasure. The man could see that what he had found was very, very valuable in fact it was the most valuable collection of treasure he had ever seen. He was excited, he was full of joy. But there was a problem, he couldn’t keep the treasure because the field didn’t belong to him. The treasure belonged to the one who owned the field.
(Could use amazed, happy, sad and thoughtful emoji faces here and hold them in front of your face.)
What could he do? He couldn’t just walk off with it. But wait, I know thought the man if I buy the whole field then not only the field but the treasure in it will be mine. So he first took the treasure and hid it safely back in the ground below the soil where no one else could find it. Then off he went. To buy the whole field the man had to sell everything he had. Maybe his house, his cart, animals. possessions - everything. When he had sold all, he collected the money together and he just about had enough to buy the field. He bought the field and got the treasure - he was so happy!.

Kids the greatest treasure we can ever, ever find is Jesus. Knowing Jesus makes all the difference to our lives. He loves us so much that He died for us on the cross so that we could be forgiven for all the wrong things we’ve ever done. When we find Jesus it’s just like finding the most valuable treasure. The man who found the treasure in the field sold everything he had to get it. And Jesus is just like that treasure, more valuable than anything else in all the whole wide world.

Not only is Jesus the greatest treasure we could ever discover but we are just like treasure to Him too. You, yes you and me are so loved and special to Jesus, We may never have lots of money or big shiny things in life but when we love Jesus we have something that money can’t buy, things like peace, hope, joy, purpose, forgiveness and everlasting life. Now that’s what I call real treasure!

Other thoughts around the theme of treasure

On another occasion in a holiday club special all age Sunday service, a reflection was made on how exciting the words of Jesus are, taking the verse from Psalm 119 v 162.


Drama script and Bible chat leaders’ notes.

Treasure Island Event Slide

Treasure Quiz PowerPoint
Treasure Quiz Leaders’ sheet / answers