Home > Teaching > Illustrated Bible Stories > 4. Wise & Foolish Builders > 5. The Easter Story
Illustrated Bible Stories
5. the easter story - The death and RESURRECTION of Jesus
Matthew 26,27,28 - Mark 14,15,16 - Luke 22,23,24 - John 18,19,20,21
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Have you ever had a shock? Well, on the Thursday before Easter, Jesus’ disciples had a big shock that they were certainly not expecting. Here’s what happened.
Jesus and His disciples had shared a meal together in the upstairs room of a house. After eating, they went off to a local garden called the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus wanted to go there to pray. Suddenly, completely unexpectedly, as Jesus was talking to His followers…
The mob which included some religious leaders marched Jesus off to the high priest’s house. Although Jesus had never done anything wrong the high priests wanted to get rid of Him. Jesus had only ever done lots of good, helping loads and loads of people and bringing God’s message of love and forgiveness to everyone.
Suddenly, as Mary stood outside the tomb crying, a man appeared in front of her. It was early in the morning and Mary was upset that Jesus’ body had disappeared. She didn’t immediately recognise the man and thought it may have been the gardener but as soon as He spoke to her, as soon as He said her name, Mary knew it was Jesus. They chatted together, Mary was so happy to see Jesus again.