Home > Teaching > Illustrated Bible Stories > 9. Lazarus of Bethany > 10. The Amazing Boat Trip
Illustrated Bible Stories
10. The Amazing Boat Trip - jesus calms the sea - Luke 8. 22 - 25
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Our story begins on the shores of the Lake of Galilee.
Jesus had been out and about going from place to place telling people about God’s great love. After He’d finished talking to the people He got into a boat with His disciples and said to them “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” They boarded the boat and took their seats.
Jesus spoke to the wind and waves, telling them to be still. The storm immediately stopped, the disciples couldn’t believe their eyes – they were amazed. Jesus turned to the disciples and said, “Where is your faith?” The disciples said to one another, “Who is this, even the winds and the waves obey Him!”
Sometimes life can get a bit stormy. Not with howling winds and crashing waves but things around us sometimes seem to go wrong. Maybe we have troubles with friends or at school. It could be that we feel lonely. Perhaps a friend or relative is sick. Jesus knows and cares about you. He was with the disciples in the boat on the rough sea when they even thought they would drown. The disciples learned a very important lesson that day when they finally remembered that Jesus was with them, let us remember that Jesus is with us too and we can always ask Him for His help.