Home > Teaching > Illustrated Bible Stories > 6. The Good Shepherd and The Gate > 7. The Lost Sheep
Illustrated Bible Stories
7. The Lost Sheep
The Parable of The Lost Sheep Matthew 18 vs 12 - 14 & Luke 15 vs 3 - 7
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One day Jesus told a story to show just how much God loves you and me. The story had to do with sheep and one very silly lamb who had lost his way.
A shepherd who looks after sheep, had a flock of a hundred sheep. After a day out in the fields grazing on the grass, the shepherd gathered the sheep together and led them back to their fold, which is a safe place to stay for the night. As he usually did, he counted the sheep as they entered the fold, he knew his sheep very well and made sure each evening that none were missing.
The two friends were overjoyed that the lost sheep was safely returned to the fold.
Do you know, Jesus said that God His Father feels exactly the same way about you and me. We can wonder off away from God and it’s like being lost. But when we come back to God and become part of His family, there is great celebration and rejoicing in heaven. Jesus loves each and everyone of us so much, He just wants us to stay close to Him all of the time.