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Illustrated Bible Stories

12. the good samaritan


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Narrative to accompany slides

SLIDE 1 - ‘The Good Samaritan’ Title Slide

SLIDE 2 - A Jewish man set off on a journey from Jerusalem to Jericho about 18 miles.

SLIDE 3 - The Jerusalem to Jericho Road was quite remote and sometimes very lonely. Unfortunately, this meant that bandits sometimes hid themselves along the road waiting for someone rob.

SLIDE 4 - Sadly some bandits spotted the Jewish man that day, they attacked him and stole his money leaving him wounded at the side of the road.

SLIDE 5 - By chance a religious leader, also a Jew, was taking the same journey. The man could now get some help.

SLIDE 6 - But oh no! The religious leader saw the man, crossed to the other side of the road and quickly passed by.

SLIDE 7 - Not long afterwards another Jewish religious man came by. Now surely he would help the injured man. Wouldn’t he?

SLIDE 8 - What was the matter with these guys, this second man also passed by the poor man on the road.

SLIDE 9 - Things were not looking good for this man who had now been lying there for a while.

SLIDE 10 - Well, despite this road being a bit of a quiet one, another traveller came by. But oh dear! This man was a Samaritan and the injured man was a Jew., they couldn’t stand one another. If the other two Jewish men who had already passed by didn’t help the man, then this third traveller, a Samaritan certainly wouldn’t stop.

SLIDE 11 - But he did! The Samaritan stopped, gave the man some water, attended to his wounds and put him on his own cart.

SLIDE 12 - They travelled on along the Jericho Road together.

SLIDE 13 - After a while they came to an inn. The Samaritan asked the innkeeper to look after the injured man until he returned. He paid the inn keeper money to care for the poor man’s needs and told the inn keeper he would settle the final bill on his return.

That’s a great story isn’t it.
* Who in the story didn’t follow the Golden Rule of treating others in the same way they would like to be treated? (The robbers and the first two people to come across the man who had been robbed.)
* Why do you think the first men didn’t stop? (Probably because they were afraid.)
* Who did what Jesus would want us to do in helping his neighbour (Yes the Samaritan.)


PowerPoint of The Good Samaritan
The Good Samaritan PowerPoint script