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Christmas Chats and Dramas (no 3)
The Star (all-age)
PowerPoint to accompany ‘Star’ chat downloadable from the bottom of this page.
For Leaders:
This chat has been used at ‘Messy Church’ with a few props and the PowerPoint provided. An illuminated star home decoration was used, to create a little atmosphere.
PowerPoint can be previewed at the bottom of this page.
Suggested Props: A Christmas tree with a star on top that can be removed during the chat, some wrapping paper with stars on it, a Christmas card with a Nativity scene and star.
At the beginning, before your chat commences, ask a child to come up the front to read, recite or sing the below rhyme, as an intro to ‘The Star’.
“Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are”.
The Star
It will soon be Christmas, seems to come around quicker every year, especially when you get to my age.
Lots of things around us now remind us of Christmas. We have crackers, food, Christmas trees, cards, decorations, advent calendars and of course Santa. Stars remind us of Christmas too. At this time of year we see stars everywhere. There are stars on cards, decorations, on Christmas trees but before we think about stars at Christmas, where else do we see stars?
Have you ever been given a star for good work at school? Sometimes when we help someone out, or do a piece of good work someone might say – “you’re a star”. It’s a way of saying thank you or well done!
Grown-ups you know, probably shop on Amazon and use the star ratings to make decisions about things they want to buy. If it’s 2 - 3 it’s not looking so good but 4.5 - is looking better. We all want to hear that something we’re set on buying is 5 star rated!
And there are other stars, Pop stars, football stars and even Star Wars. People decorate lots of things with stars, here’s some star wrapping paper. We even have a fish that looks like a star called the ‘star-fish’. And then there’s the billions of stars in the night sky.
We see more stars around at Christmas than at any other time of year, they are everywhere (taking a star off the Christmas tree). So what about this star, the real Christmas star! This represents the star of Bethlehem. God used the star of Bethlehem to guide the wise men to the place where Jesus was. It also told the wise men that a king had been born, and this was no ordinary king it was none other than Jesus, God’s own Son. The star that guided the wise men is probably the most famous star throughout all of history, it has appeared on millions and millions of Christmas trees and no doubt billions of Christmas cards.
The wise men were so thrilled about this star and what it meant! Matthew, one of Jesus’ friends, recorded, “when the wise men saw the star they were so excited.” No sat-nav then, the wise men used star-nav, how cool is that!. And that star up in the sky pointed them directly to the place where Jesus Christ God’s Son was.
Jesus came to earth to bring us the GOOD NEWS of God’s love and just like the star of Bethlehem, which showed the wise men the right way to go, Jesus is the best guide to life we can possibly have. Jesus gives us hope, a new way of living and wants to bring His peace to men and women, boys and girls everywhere.
Another of Jesus' followers - John, recorded Jesus’ own word, “I am the Way, the Truth and the life” - John 14 v 6
So ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls as you look at the many stars on cards, decorations and trees over Christmas remember that Jesus loves you and He is the best guide to living life to the full. Let Jesus into your Christmas and see what a difference He will make to your life.
You can preview the PowerPoint that accompanies this chat below. Just click on any of the images to enlarge and then scroll through.