Home > Teaching > Individual Bible Chats > Encounters with Jesus > The Miraculous catch…

(4) The Miraculous Catch of Fish

Luke chapter 5 verses 5 - 11

Two options for this talk. Option 1 Story- tell with props, Option 2 Story- tell PowerPoint.

Cardboard boat, see ideas for props for more images.

Cardboard boat, see ideas for props for more images.

Option 1 - Story-tell with props

Do any of you like fishing? What have you caught? (Take some answers and follow through with chat.)
Here’s a fantastic account of how some guys went fishing and caught an unbelievable catch.

The fishermen Peter, James, John and Andrew were experts. They had a fishing business together. Each night they would go out fishing and bring their catch in. Then they would, wash the fish, clean their nets and go off to the market and sell the fish they had caught. Well, this night had been terrible, they’d been out all night long in their boats and hadn’t caught a single fish. They were quite discouraged.

As they were cleaning their nets they noticed that a crowd of people had gathered on the seashore. The crowd were listening to a man called Jesus. The people were so wanting to hear Jesus that they pressed against one another, pushing one another nearer and nearer the sea! At the same time, Jesus, looking across the beach could see the fishermen and their boats and He had an idea.

Wooden fish, they could also be made from cardboard or paper.

Wooden fish, they could also be made from cardboard or paper.

Suddenly, Jesus called to Peter and asked him if he would push his boat out into the water, so that he could carry on speaking to the people from the boat. Peter obliged and soon Jesus was sat in Peter’s boat talking to the people, gathered along the shoreline.

After Jesus had finished talking to the people, He told Peter to push the boat out into the deep to catch some fish. But Peter explained that they had worked all night and hadn’t even caught one single fish. Peter also knew that now the night was over, it was the wrong time to launch out again. But, because Jesus was asking him to do it, they rowed out into the lake and threw out the nets once more. Oh my, they never would have believed it! What a catch! Within no time they were hauling in the biggest catch they had ever seen. They struggled to get the fish into the boat and feared that their nets would break so they called in their partners to help them bring the catch to shore (hold up a fishing net and picture of a fish).

Peter could hardly believe his eyes! It was a miracle. He realised that Jesus was no ordinary person, that there was something very different and special about Him. Peter had been listening to what Jesus was saying to the crowd earlier about loving God and following His ways of goodness and kindness. He knew he was far away from God and needed to get closer to Him. That day Jesus invited Peter to leave behind his fishing and follow Him and guess what, he did just that and started the most amazing adventure of a lifetime.

OPTION 2 - Story-tell with POWER-POINT

PowerPoint downloadable from the bottom of this page.