Easter Chats and Dramas (no 1)

The Centurion’s Story (all-age solo drama)

Luke 23

Roman Centurion’s outfit made largely from cardboard. See ideas for props no 11 for more pictures.

Roman Centurion’s outfit made largely from cardboard. See ideas for props no 11 for more pictures.

For Leaders
This is a one person drama where the centurion at the cross tells what he saw and heard on the day Jesus died and goes on to report on the resurrection too.
Ideally this drama needs an outfit. As a solo drama ‘story tell’ a hook is needed to draw the attention of the children in the audience so an authentic outfit helps. An outfit might be hired or made.

The Centurion’s outfit: (See ideas for props no 11 page for more pictures
Helmet - Cardboard & some kind of suitable fill in material for the crest on top. (Main cardboard parts painted bronze.)
Breastplate - Cardboard (painted bronze)
Tunic under breastplate - Red T-shirt
Leather skirt - Cardboard (painted a leathery brown)
Leather skirt undergarment - Neutral coloured shorts
Footwear - Sandals
Cloak - Red bed sheet or similar
Sword & scabbard - (purchased)
Spear - Wooden pole shaft with cardboard spearhead (spearhead painted silver and shaft painted or stained to look like natural wood)

Solo drama

(Centurion stumbles onto the stage from behind curtain or however you can bring him in as a surprise visitor. Disorientated and shocked at what’s just happened to him the centurion speaks)

‘Hey, what’s going on here? I was just leading my men down a street in Jerusalem. Where am I now?’

Club leader: Oh, hello, welcome. We’re so sorry to disturb you but we brought you here because we wanted you to tell us what happened that very first Easter, I understand that you were actually there?’

Centurion: (Looking somewhat ruffled and maybe a little annoyed but after a moment or two composing himself.)
Well that is true, I was there, I’ll never forget that first Easter weekend. Incredible things happened; I’ll tell you about them.  

I am a Roman Centurion, an officer in charge of 100 soldiers. One Friday 2000 years ago I got up early and went into Jerusalem City to start work with my men. That day there was quite a commotion going on in Jerusalem about a man called Jesus who had been arrested.

I’d heard about Jesus, I’d heard how he’d healed people, helped the poor and I’d seen him speaking to crowds in the City. Some said He claimed to be the Son of God. But I didn’t know Jesus personally; I’d never actually met Him or talked to Him myself.       

Well, the next thing I knew, Jesus had been sentenced to death. He ended up on a cross with two criminals alongside Him.  

That day, me and my men had to guard the place where Jesus was crucified. There I was stood on the hill by the cross of Jesus. I didn’t know what to make of it all. I was just taking orders, people had accused Jesus of doing wrong but I didn’t know. 

Some of Jesus’ relatives and friends stood close by. They seemed like good people, and Jesus didn’t seem anything like a criminal at all. I’d watched Him that day and even though they were going to kill Him He didn’t respond with anger or hatred in any way.

Suddenly at 12 O’clock everywhere went dark, I mean really dark, the sun was completely hidden. It was dark for over three hours right in the middle of the day. This was strange, we’d never seen anything like this before. What was going on? Jesus spoke out a few times – “Father forgive them” He said. He even asked His Father God to forgive the people for what they were doing. Wow, forgive the people who wanted him dead, what kind of a man was this?

It was still dark, Jesus spoke a few more words then right at that moment, the earth shook, rocks split open. People around were frightened, I was scared too, me a centurion in the Roman army, afraid. I thought we we’re in control, but no, it seemed someone far greater than us was in control that day. What is this all about I thought. And suddenly it came to me, all I’d seen, and heard and felt inside that day as I’d watched Jesus I realised, I knew something quite remarkable. I couldn’t help but say it out loud.  


Me, the Centurion on guard that day, taking orders in charge of Jesus’ death, in that moment I knew, Jesus was innocent, He hadn’t done anything wrong. He had cried out to His Father God that we should all be forgiven. He really was the Son of God and I believed!

The day came to an end, Jesus had died. His followers came and buried Him in a cave outside the City. The authorities were afraid that His friends would come and steal His body and say that He had come back to life. So they sealed the stone and posted guards.

All went quiet in Jerusalem. The next day was Saturday; things seemed to have calmed down in the City.

But the day after the very first Easter Sunday morning, there was another earthquake in the city. And after that we heard rumours, rumours that the stone over the grave had been moved, the grave was found empty and that Jesus had come back to life, raised from the dead!

Then we heard that Jesus’ followers had seen Him, alive risen from the dead. It turned out that many of His disciples and followers had seen Him too. It could not be denied – Jesus was alive!

And that’s how Easter has become so important. Jesus, God’s own Son came into the world to show all mankind the love of God through His teaching and the things He did. He was taken by jealous and sinful men and though He had done nothing wrong they killed Him on a wooden cross. But Jesus died for everyone who has ever lived so that all may know His love and come to believe in Him.

I could talk about it all day, it changed my life but I suppose for now I’d better go find those men of mine! (Waves goodbye and walks back through the stage door, muttering about finding his way back.)         


Centurion’s Story Drama Script