Home > Games > Front Led Games > Game 14 > Game 15 Candy Cane Fishing


Candy Cane challenge Edited .jpg

A popular and colourful game played by one child from each team. Entertaining to watch, adults at family events have enjoyed this game too. A good seasonal game.


6 candy canes (we are seeking alternative light weight non-plastic and more sustainable canes to the inflatable ones seen in the picture).

  • 6 hole candy cane game-holder, made from suitable pieces or cardboard tubing stuck to base.

  • Candy cane fishing rods with cardboard hoop. Ensure fishing rods are child safe and ends are protected with suitable sponge or similar.

  • Two buckets for the catch.

how to play:

Stand the candy cane game-holder with the candy canes in it on the floor between the two players. Face the candy canes towards the players in a manner that gives them a good opportunity for a catch. The canes will get knocked about by the players and will turn away from them as they fish, keep an eye on this and turn them back towards the player if they struggle to catch them.
Mark with masking tape a suitable fishing distance for the players dependant on their age.
On the command of ‘GO’ the players start fishing for the canes. Each caught cane is placed into the buckets, which are placed alongside the players. First player to fish out all 3 of their canes wins.