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17 - Multi-choice game quiz

Another very popular favourite.

The aim of the game is for the children individually to collect as many tokens as they can within the game time. Tokens are given out for each correct multi-choice selection. Each child starts with an empty cup for token collection. Answer boards A,B,C,D located around the hall are manned by leaders with tokens.

The questions are in the main of a nature whereby the children will need to guess some of the answers. This all adds to the fun and makes the game unpredictable and quite diverse, as the kids chance their ‘luck’ on what might be the right answer. One or two easier questions are included to which most children will know the answers.

A leader reads out a question and gives four multi-choice answers A,B,C,D. The children select the answer they believe to be correct and move to the letter corresponding with that answer. Once the children have made their initial choice they are given 5 seconds to change their mind and move to another letter board should they so wish. The leader then calls time, after which the children must stay at their finally selected letter whilst the correct answer is given. The children at the letter corresponding to the correct answer gain a token.

The scoring may be individual or collectively as a team or both. Team scoring is good whereby the children are grouped into teams and pool their tokens collected at the end of the game to give a whole team tally.

Around 10 multi-choice questions usually makes for a suitable game time.

Plenty of open space is required allowing the children to move around the hall freely and safely between station boards.


  • A non-breakable child friendly cup in which the children will collect their tokens.

  • Tokens - these might be cut from suitable card or be of proprietary manufacture.

  • Receptacles for holding tokens.

  • 4 letter boards A,B,C,D. (cardboard or similar)

  • Sufficient leaders to run this game successfully.


  • Site the 4 letter boards around hall

  • One or more leaders with a tub of tokens is posted at letter board. (The more leaders at the boards giving out tokens, the quicker the turnaround for the children.)

  • Before the game starts proper, each child is given a cup in which to collect their tokens.