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Week 4 - YOUR PLANS                  

This week’s material is based around the wise saying from Proverbs 16 v 3 (paraphrase) - Bring to the Lord whatever you do and He will help you to get your plans right.

Week 4 PowerPoint slides, leaders’ notes and various other items downloadable from the bottom of this page.

SLIDE 1 - Series theme slide ‘It’s Cool to be Wise’
SLIDE 2 - Week 4 key phrase slide ‘Bring to the Lord whatever you do and he will help you to get your plans right’.

PART 1   


Outline for Leaders

Ed's wardrobe lands in quite a different place this week, right in the middle of a planning office. Once again there is shock among the people on the receiving end of Ed's visit, but they eventually come round and are able to help Ed hunt for the piece of code he needs.     

Props: Create a kind of office setting using a table or two, a couple of chairs, laptop, some papers to look like plans (anything will do, some rolls of wallpaper tied with string) an easel or flip chart with a plan or map attached. The table should have a sign 'Planning Office' on the front of it.

Drama setting: Planning office setting as above. Wardrobe in the office setting with black sheet over it. Sheet to be pulled from wardrobe as the travelling wardrobe sound effect is played.

Characters: Narrator, Ed, Office Worker 1, Office Worker 2

Sketch - The Planning Office

(PP SLIDE 3 - PowerPoint slide Week 4 chart ‘A’)
Last week we left Ed as he was taking off from a cave in Calm Bay. He’s on the move again and we’re waiting to see where he’ll touch-down this time, here we go again. 

Office worker: So glad it’s Friday, can’t wait for the weekend. 

(Someone will need to pull the black sheet from the wardrobe as it lands) - Sound effect of travelling wardrobe.

Office worker 1: (looking at wardrobe and lifting hand to eyes) Oh my, what’s going on, I think I’m going to faint.     

Office worker 2: (rushing into the office) Hey, are you OK – oh my word, where did that wardrobe come from?

Office worker 1: (in a trembling voice) I don’t know, but it sounds like there’s someone inside trying to get out!

(The two office workers look on as inside the wardrobe Ed struggles to open the door – but then suddenly he bursts out and the office workers nearly pass out)

Office worker 1: Help, we’re being invaded by aliens, help!

Ed: (gesturing for the office workers to calm down) Hey guys, it’s OK – calm down, I’m human and very friendly.  

Narrator: Ed explains all about the travelling wardrobe and how he is looking for a piece of code and a clue for an important word. They calm down and are now at ease, even though they think Ed’s story is a bit farfetched. 

Ed: So, you see it’s all OK no need for any panic. Anyway, what is this place? I’ve never seen so many drawings and plans, they’re everywhere.

Office Worker 1: That’s because this is a planning office. All around you are plans of things people want to build.

Office Worker 2: Whenever anyone wants to build a new house or building or road, they have to send us the plans for checking.

Office Worker 1: We make sure the plans are right and that someone’s house or school isn’t going to fall down.

Office Worker 2: It’s always really important to have good plans, good plans keep people safe and doing things right. 

Ed: OK guys I get it – plans are very important, we need to have good plans! Now I have a plan, I need to find that piece of code and my next clue. Will you help me?

Narrator: The two office workers nod simultaneously and they all set about looking for Ed’s clues. (Ed and helpers start looking around the office but can’t find anything and shake their heads.) 

Ed: What about us looking through the plans? I know that seems a bit impossible but the code has to be somewhere right here.

(The three start looking through the piles of plans, when suddenly Office Worker 1 with a massive smile on their face finds a drawing with a code on it and shouts out.)

Office Worker 1: Got it! – but how did that get in here?

Ed: Oh, don’t worry about how it got there – that’s it, just what I need, the piece of code and a clue. The clue is the first four letters of this office name (Ed walks over to the office door) Planning Office – first four letters, that's it the word is 'plan'.

Thanks so much for your help, I’m so grateful!

(SLIDE 4 - Display Week 4 chart B showing this week’s key word and code piece.)

Well Ed’s found his next clue and is off again, leaving two very puzzled office workers behind.
(Narrator pauses as Ed gets into the wardrobe and leaves - sound effect travelling wardrobe.)
Narrator: (Now addressing the kids from the stage.)
Children, that special word PLAN is quite an important one isn’t it. Everyday people are making plans, for parties, holidays, work etc. Do you know Jesus is interested in all of our plans and we’re going to talk about that later.
Oh, and I can't wait to see where Ed lands next week, can you?  

PART 2  


Bible Verse: Proverbs 16 v 3 (paraphrase)

SLIDE 6 - Remind the kids of this week’s key phrase:
'Bring to the Lord whatever you do and He will help you to get your plans right'

Do any of you ever make plans? What you might do tomorrow? What you are doing next week?

(Show the children a year planner, calendar with space for plans and maybe a diary). I use these to makes my plans. Some people use the diary on their phone.

Have any of your family made plans for a special event like a wedding or birthday party? It may be a year or two away but we have to plan.

Here are some pictures of people planning some things. Let’s see what we can make of them. (Obviously an option here to make a selection and not use all 6 slides. Keep it snappy and interesting for the kids)

SLIDE 7 - What’s going on with this map? (People might be planning a journey, an adventure, a walk, an outing.)
SLIDE 8 - Who might this be and what might the lady be doing? (An architect, planning a building design.)
SLIDE 9 - And what about these people (business people planning important diary dates…)

SLIDE 10 - What might people be planning here? (A party, celebration…)
SLIDE 11- Easy, what are these guys planning? (Yes of course - a holiday)
SLIDE 12 - And what do think might be being planned here? (A party for the bride to be - a bridal shower.)

There are other kinds of plans, (ask the kids if any of them know what kind of job they might like to do when they grow up) - do they have any plans? Throughout our lives we are planning things and Jesus wants us to involve Him in our plans, because He knows what is good for us. God wants to help us make the right decisions.

SLIDE 13 - Our key verse today from the Bible is -  Bring to the Lord whatever you do and He will help you get your plans right. Wow! That’s interesting, we can talk to God about everything to do with our lives and He will help us in the decisions we need to make.

Sometimes people worry about the future but a guy called James, wrote in the Bible that we shouldn’t worry about stuff but pray about everything.

Planning can be exciting, looking forward to something can be exciting. Sometimes when plans don't work out this can be disappointing. Sometimes plans may be too ambitious - what might this mean? No point dreaming about living in a palace if you are not a prince or princess! Sometimes people's plans can be limiting - oh I'll never be able to do that, I'm not good enough. There are good plans and not so good plans, some plans just don't work out because they were never a good idea in the first place.
Our plans are important because they affect our future. When we share our plans with God we are asking for His help and He knows whether they are good for us, He will help us to get our plans right.

So how do we bring to Jesus the things that we plan so that He can help and guide us?

We can speak to Him in prayer and personally ask for His help each day. Jesus so wants us to put our trust completely in Him and not in ourselves. He knows what is best for us. Jesus will guide us, sometimes through other people, sometimes through the Bible, sometimes through our conscience, sometimes through things we hear in church (kids club). But if we trust Him and talk to Him through prayer, Jesus will be our guide.

part 3    

Response time (in small groups)

1. Have you ever had to make an important decision? Discuss their responses.

2. What kind of plans do you think God wants to help you with? (planning of our time, time for helping others, coming to Kidz Klub, who our friends are.)

3. Why do you think it is important to ask God to help us make our plans (He will help us get our plans right).


Week 4 PowerPoint slides
Lead-in Drama Script, Bible Chat & Response Time Leaders’ Notes

Printable Planning Office Sign
Printable Code Piece (Morse code ….- = 4 = 4th letter in alphabet = ‘D’)