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Misc Bible Chats

(3) God’s Amazing Belt - The Belt of Truth (Armour of God)

Ephesians 6 vs 10 - 18

Download key phrase slide from the bottom of this page.

Download key phrase slide from the bottom of this page.

For this talk you will need a number of belts, see below for particular types. If you have a proper tool belt or other specialist belt these are useful. Put your belts and bits and pieces ready, and set up in a box or suitcase so that you can pull the pieces from the box as they are needed throughout the chat. (If you decide to include the Roman soldier’s belt you could make one out of cardboard strips, alternatively you could use an internet image on PowerPoint.)

See ideas for props - page 11 for images re Roman soldier belt.


How many belts do you have? None, one, two, three...
What are belts for? Yes they hold our clothes together, or are just a fashion accessory.
Belts can have other uses too, I can carry my camera, binoculars and even this tape measure on my belt and you can buy belts especially for carrying tools. Some belts buckle and some just tie, what might this belt be for? (Tie type dressing gown belt.) What about this belt - yes it's a fashion belt, no practical purpose other than to look nice.   
Soldiers use belts to carry their sword and Roman soldiers used a belt to carry their leather armour, designed to protect the lower parts of their bodies.

Now today we are talking about The Belt of Truth. So this is a very different kind of belt. Firstly, it's different because I can't show it to you. But I can tell you all about it.  

Does anyone know what a metaphor is?

A metaphor is a comparison, which is not literally true. It suggests what something is like by comparing it with something else with similar characteristics.  

Blanket of snow - Snow is not a blanket but looks like one when covering the ground.

So when we talk about the Belt of Truth we are not talking about an actual physical belt but we are talking about something amazing, that God gives to us that is just like putting a belt on.

(Holding up a belt, stretch it to show its strength, put it round your waist, buckle it up, emphasise by your actions its snug fit). Now there are a few very important things about a good belt, I wonder if we can think what they are.

  • It goes all around us - unless it completely goes around our waist it is no good at all.

  • It fits close, a belt that is too lose just falls down it has to be a close fit.

  • It’s strong - otherwise when you come to buckle it around your waist it will break.

So now we’re thinking about this belt of truth that God offers us.

Firstly - It surrounds us. It is so good to be surrounded by God’s truth. Having God’s truth close like a good belt is fab too. God’s TRUTH is strong, just like a good belt.

  • Truth is - God loves you and me, wow that’s fantastic truth.

  • Truth is - God sent His only Son Jesus to earth at Christmas to bring Joy and Hope to all the world.

  • Truth is - Jesus is alive today and through His Holy Spirit lives in the lives of everyone who invites Him in.

  • Truth is - Jesus is the only one who can forgive us for all of the wrong things we have done.

  • Truth is - Living with Jesus is the best way to live, He will help, guide, comfort you, He’s the best friend we can ever have.

    So, we can surround ourselves with a whole load of wonderful TRUTHS from God that will help us every single day of our lives.
    (Putting your hands around your waist as if holding onto the Belt of Truth.)
    If your friend falls out with you remember God loves you and wants to be your best friend.
    If you’ve done something wrong and are sorry - remember, ask Jesus to forgive you and help you to do what is right. AND HE WILL!
    If you are feeling sad, talk to Jesus about it, prayer is talking to Him - He will listen and comfort you.
    If you don’t know what to do about something ask Jesus to guide you.

    I love God’s Belt of Truth don’t you?


    Leaders’ Notes ‘God’s Amazing Belt’
    PowerPoint Theme Slide - ‘God’s Amazing Belt’