Home > Games > Team Games > Game 3 > Game 4 True or False


Team players respond to true or false statements by competing to display their true or false flag first, showing the correct answer.



  • True / False signs with true on one side and false on the other. Signs to be child safe, no sharp corners or edges.

  • Scoreboard and pen

  • Team markers

How to play:

Each team will need to be supervised by a competent adult / youth leader. Make sure children are well spaced so that they can’t hit another child when holding their sign up.

The teams line up behind their markers. Place the true or false signs on chairs opposite each team a few metres away.
Ask the team leaders to number their teams - 1,2,3,4,5… front to back (if one of the teams are down on a player compared with others, someone will need two numbers so that they can go twice to cover the shortage of a player).
To start the game the person running it calls out a true or false statement followed immediately by a team player number. The team players of that number go to the front, pick up the sign and hold it up displaying the side (true/false) that they consider is the correct answer. First team displaying the correct answer wins the point. The number called should be random and not consecutive. The random call adds to the fun and keeps the teams on their toes as the players await the call of their number.


Ideas for True & False statements
Idea 1
1. T or F - The White House is in London (F)
2. T or F - The Arc de Triomphe is in France (T)
3. T or F - The Great Barrier Reef is in Africa (F)
4. T or F - Andy Murray is Welsh (F)
5. T or F - 5 x 6 = 46 (F)
6. T or F - A crocodile is a reptile (T)
7. T or F - Koala bears are only native to Australia (T)
8. T or F - Lands End is in the North of England (F)
9. T or F - There is a lot of sugar in jam (T)
10. T or F - A rattle snake has a noisy head (F)
Idea 2
1. T or F – Madrid is in America (F)
2. T or F – Cheddar is famous for its cheese (T)
3. T or F – 99 divided by 9 = 9 (F)
4. T or F – Maisy Mouse is Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend (F)
    (it’s Minnie mouse)
5. T or F – There are 100 years in a century? (T)
6. T or F – Flower and yeast are used to make bread (T)
7. T or F – Pillows are sometimes filled with feathers (T)
8. T or F – Jam is made with sugar, fruit and peanuts (F)
9. T or F – There are 1,000,000 seconds in an hour (T)
10. T or F – Australians love cricket (T)