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Misc Bible Chats (no 5)

‘Change’ - A Chat for New Year

Props for the ‘Lead-in’
For the ‘lead-in’ - a box of different hats. It’s anything you can muster really. You may be able to beg, borrow from folks in your team / church, examples are - a crown, cowboy’s hat, soldier’s hat, jungle hat, French beret, party hat, park keeper’s hat, policeman’s hat, sombrero, top hat, pirate’s hat, builder’s hat…
Props for mini-sketches
Sketch 1 - Ball
Sketch 2 - Couple of buckets, 2 sponges and a little water.
Sketch 3 - Flip chart / whiteboard and pen.
Sketch 4 - 4 carrier bags each containing a cushion.
Sketch 5 - A five pound note.

Chat for Kids:  

A collection of hats in a cardboard treasure chest.(See ideas for props page 1 for more pics of treasure chest.)

A collection of hats in a cardboard treasure chest.(See ideas for props page 1 for more pics of treasure chest.)

Lead-in - Hey kids, well we’ve started a new year, it’s now 20_ _! Some things will change for us this year. We will grow taller, some of us may start a new hobby or move house, we may get a new pet, and some of us will have a new baby brother or sister.

So lots of things around us can bring new and exciting change. We’ve got a few hats here in the box and we can change the way we look just by changing our hats. We’ll put the hats on and you can shout out together who we’re supposed to look like. (One or a couple of people alternate pulling out a hat and asking the kids to say who they might be.)

Hey that was a bit of fun. You know, sometimes changing things can be really good, especially when we change a situation to help somebody out. We’re going to do some mini dramas now, watch carefully and at the end see how many things you can remember where we helped one another out.

Mini Sketches to introduce the theme
(sketches flow from one to the other with the overall theme of sharing, helping, showing kindness.)

  1. Invitation to join ‘our’ game - Playground scene where two ‘kids’ (played by adults) are having fun throwing and catching a ball. They notice a third child (another adult) looking a little sad and lonely in the corner. They invite them to join them playing with their ball.

  2. Helping with the window cleaning – Seeing their neighbour struggle, a friend lends a hand to help them clean their windows (build some fun in here by a little splash or two from the sponges)Laughing “Hey we’re supposed to be doing a job here, it’s not bath time you know.”

  3. Helping with homework - Someone is trying to work out a sum on a board and a friend comes along with the answer (do sum on a flip chart so kids see clearly what’s going on).

  4. Helping to carry the shopping - Someone trying to carry 4 heavy carrier bags, neighbour comes along and takes some of the bags – (make this fun with the bags being so heavy) “Hey, whatever have you got in here! An elephant” – “No of course not, you can’t eat elephants!” (4 carrier bags with a cushion in each, fills them out nicely.)  

  5. Sharing your money - Someone walking down the street holding a five pound note “Wow, I’ve saved a whole five pounds, I’m off to buy that model I’ve waited a whole month to get - yippee” Someone else enters and trips banging their toe – (make this amusing with person holding onto their toe and hopping around) “Oh my toe bone, who put that brick there!” The hurt person sits down with a sad face and feeling sorry for themselves. The person with the five pounds holds the note up to the audience with a thoughtful expression. Walking over to hurt person. “Hey you OK? Looks like you need cheering up. Come on I’ll buy you a MacDonald’s.”

Now, how many good deeds can you remember? Get the kids to feedback here with what went on in the sketches.        

We can CHANGE things by the way we act, being kind and thoughtful can make such a huge difference to others around us. Yes we can help CHANGE the world and make it a better place. Every little act of kindness helps to CHANGE the world.

Jesus, God’s Son taught us to be kind to one another. Jesus said, “Do to others as you would want them to do to you.” If everyone did this it would make a huge difference to the whole world, and Jesus loves the whole wide world and that includes you. Even though we may be young, let’s follow Jesus’ example and always show kindness to those around us. So as we go into 2018 let’s help CHANGE the world, with Jesus’ help we can do it!


Leaders’ Notes for Talk.