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GOD'S LOVE IS... (5 week series)

Bible Focus - Reflections on God’s Amazing Love

Series Introduction

This page gives an introduction and overview of the series. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for a list of weekly titles.

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Series Overview
This series reflects on God’s amazing love. The outworking of various aspects of God’s love is shown through four different instances, where someone encounters Jesus and has the opportunity to put their faith in Him, believing that He is the Son of God. Week five finalises the series in showing how ‘God’s Love is Strong’ focusing on the words that Jesus said, where He describes His words as a foundation on which followers of Jesus build their lives.

God's love is Fab, Forgiving, Big, Great, Strong.

People come to believe in Jesus for different reasons, a miracle, His teaching, revelation, searching, longing for something real, but ultimately Jesus is found by a heart that is open to receiving and believing in Him. God is love and His Son Jesus demonstrates that love again and again, as He encounters people in their need and engages in their lives.

Lead-in Sessions

These sessions introduce the key word each week and are in the form of mini dramas. The dramas revolve around two friends getting up to all sorts of fun and mischief, including a prank with a giant magnet, weight lifting and an upset with a paint brush!

Bible chats

These follow on to endorse the themes, as various folk encounter Jesus is different ways.       

Response Time

This can be organised in small groups or front led. It is a time when the children are given the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the themed presentations.   

A suitable song may be selected to run with the series such as ‘God’s love is big, God’s love is great, God’s love is strong and He’s my mate...  

Weekly Titles - follow the links

Week 1 – GOD’S LOVE IS FAB – Nathaniel Believes (John chapter 2)          

Week 2 – GOD’S LOVE IS FORGIVING – Man lowered through the roof                (Mark 2 vs 1 - 12)                  

Week 3 – GOD’S LOVE IS BIG - Healing of the Official’s Son                         (John chapter 4 vs 43 – 54) 

Week 4 – GOD’S LOVE IS GREAT – Healing of the Blind Man                        (John chapter 9) 

Week 5 – GOD’S LOVE IS STRONG – Jesus the Foundation        (Matthew 7: 24 - 27)