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The Time Capsule (6 week series)

Series Introduction and Overview

This page introduces the Time Capsule material, gives an overview of the series and lists the weekly titles. You will find the links to the weekly titles at the bottom of this webpage. The series is built up around 6 items which are used as Biblical relics. A lost coin, a boat, a lamp, a block of soap, a piece of purple cloth and a wooden cross. Each of the items feature in the respective weekly Bible chat.

SLIDE 1 - Time Capsule PowerPoint Series theme slide downloadable from the bottom of this page.

Various props and backdrops are used in the series. Images for some of the Items that have been used in presentations are included. These are given as examples only.
DONT BE PUT OFF BY WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE! Improvise, use alternatives, the children’s imagination will do the rest. Ask around, you never know what items other people in your team, group or church may have that might be of use.      

Lead-in Sessions

Lead-in sessions are in drama format. They follow two archaeological adventurers who are seeking to find relics from thousands of years ago, to help them discover something more about the message of Jesus in the Bible.

Whilst digging in the sand out in the Middle East, they discover an ancient time capsule chest. The chest has on it huge letters AD65. At first, they wonder what these letters mean but they then suddenly realise it’s the date that the capsule was buried, around 2000 years ago. It was buried just 35 years after Jesus rose from the dead. At first, they jump and dance with excitement of their discovery but their joys are short-lived as they find the capsule is empty. The adventurers are now really down in their spirits, they’ve found something that looked like it was more than they could have hoped for, an ancient time capsule but it’s empty. Disappointed they go to throw the capsule back into the ground but suddenly realise the capsule has a secret compartment.

In the compartment they find a map and an ancient coin. The map tells them that the capsule should contain 6 relics from Bible times but that someone opened it and took the relics out. They tried to destroy the relics but for some mysterious reason this was not possible. The relics wouldn't burn, they couldn't be sawn or chopped up or destroyed in any way. The thief therefore decided that the relics should be lost forever. So, they took them and scattered them around a far off remote Pacific island - ‘Secret Island’. Only one of the items is still in the capsule, the coin hidden in the secret compartment, which the thief didn’t know was there. The map of the island was also found in the hidden compartment. The map, challenges the finder of the time capsule to go to the island and find the other 5 items, return them to the capsule and bury it again for someone else to find in one hundred years’ time.

The adventurers are excited at the prospect but wonder how they will ever find the missing items. As the adventurers ponder over the map, they notice another message in the time capsule chest.

"The one, who wants to find this treasure,

Will know that it will last forever,

Each piece will lead you to the rest

And you will know truth, at its best."

The explorers become more and more excited but wonder in what mysterious way the pieces of treasure can be linked when someone has randomly thrown them around a remote island.

The first relic, the 'lost coin' found alongside the map in the secret compartment gives them their first piece of amazing information about Jesus. The coin also gives them a clue as to where the next ancient relic will be found. So begins their journey to the remote Pacific Island and their amazing adventure finding the lost relics.

The explorers come to find that no matter what happens, the message of Jesus will never ever be lost. It is supernatural and indestructible and they too can become part of the amazing story, as they again bury the time capsule for someone else to find in one hundred years’ time.

Optional feature of the series:
As well as the explorers discovering an ancient time capsule, there is an opportunity for the children to contribute items for a club time capsule, which may be hidden away somewhere safe for the next 5 - 10 years. It can then be opened at a special time capsule reunion service. Each child contributing would receive a certificate bearing the date around which the capsule will be retrieved and opened.

Bible Chats

Each of the artefacts and relics that the explorers find has a direct link to the everlasting message of Jesus. The Bible chats will follow on from the lead-in sessions, by taking the relic discovered and talking through its Biblical relevance with the kids.

Response Time

Response time for this series is a bit of a pick and mix.

There are response time questions provided for each week to aid discussion and reflection with the children relative to the evenings Bible chat. On some of the weeks there are also time capsule activities where the children will be able to create a picture, art or some writing which may put into a club time capsule on the last week. Time capsule activities may also be done at home and brought in by the kids.

The time capsule may be hidden away for 5 - 10 years. Church leaders must know where the time capsule is hidden away in a loft, basement, outbuilding… or in some other secure place. If the church moves or any modifications are carried out that threaten the capsule it will need to be moved on to safe keeping.

The children that have contributed to the capsule’s contents might all be given a small certificate reminding them that in 5 - 10 years’ time the capsule will be opened so that they can view its contents again. With the consent of their parents or carers, the children might like to put group pictures of themselves and their friends in the capsule.   

The Historic Time Capsule - for the Biblical relics:

Some kind of container, box, chest marked AD65 on the outside. The capsule may be made to look old and needs to be of suitable dimensions to contain the six artefacts.

Club Time Capsule:

Some kind of appropriate container that can be hidden away safely The container must be suitable for purpose and be able to preserve the contents. It should be appropriately sealed or taped up and dated

The six relics found by the explorers:

  • The lost coin - A saucer sized model ‘lost coin’ may be crafted from wood, cardboard or clay and have ‘The Lost Coin’ marked / inscribed on one side and Bible reference ‘Luke 15’ on the other.

  • A model boat - It would be good to have a model that looks old and something like boats used in New Testament times. However, any suitably sized model boat will suffice. (Check if someone in your acquaintance actually has a replica model boat from Bible times.)

  • Small lamp - something old / traditional / replica

  • Piece of purple material - piece of purple material with a heart painted or patterned in the centre.

  • Bar of soap - bloc of soap in some kind of box or container.

  • A cross - wooden / cardboard, suitably sized and in two parts to fit into your time capsule alongside the other artefacts.


6 part series - links to weekly titles

1. Lost but Found
Key prop: ‘The lost coin’
Bible content: Based on ‘lost coin’ parable told by Jesus and found in Luke 15 vs 8 - 10

2. Rescued
Key prop item: Model boat
Bible content: Based on Peter walking on the water and ‘sinking’ experience, where he is rescued by Jesus.
Matthew 14 vs 29 - 31

3. God’s Amazing Lamp
Key prop item:
Some kind of small replica old style lamp
Bible content: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119 v 105

4. Open Hearts
Key prop item: Purple cloth with heart painted onto it.
Bible content - based on the story of Lydia. Acts 16 vs 11 - 15

5. Jesus Our Example
Key prop item: Bloc of soap in some kind of suitable box.
Bible content - based on the Account of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. John 13 vs 4 & 5 and vs 12 - 17.

6. The Greatest Symbol
Key prop item: A wooden / cardboard cross
Bible content - based on the resurrection account - all Gospels.     

After finding the initial artefact (1) the explorers are led to a remote desert island where they find the other 5.
The other artefacts are found in various locations which are:

1.  Coin - in the time capsule  

2.  Boat - at the bottom of a pond 

3.  Lamp - In a cave

4.  Purple material - in the hollow of a tree 

5.  Bloc of soap - In their backpack

6. Wooden Cross - At the top of a hill under a stone


Leaders’ notes for this page (Intro / overview)
Time Capsule series PowerPoint theme slide
Secret Island map
’The one who wants to find this treasure…’ scroll