‘Who Am I’ series      
    Ed’s adventures around Hope Island

      Week 2 - I AM THE TRUTH

There is a set of PowerPoint slides for week 2 to accompany this week’s theme intro, lead-in session drama and teaching material.
PowerPoint, Leaders’ notes and other items downloadable from the bottom of this webpage.

Slide 1 may be used to remind the kids that we are doing the “Who Am I?” series where Jesus is answering that question.

Kids In our new series ‘Who Am I?’ Jesus uses everyday words and objects to help us understand who He is and what He is like.

(PP Slide 2) As we said last week sometimes words or objects are used to describe what people are like. In my generation if someone is a really reliable friend who is always around when I need some help, I might call them a ‘rock’. They are obviously not really a rock but they are like a rock, someone I can rely on, someone I can trust, someone who is always there when I need them.  

What nice word would you use to call a good friend? (Take some answers)

(PP Slide 3) This week in our ‘Who am I’ series Jesus is saying “I am the Truth”. Now that’s brilliant isn’t it. We always want everyone to tell us the truth don’t we.

Look out in our drama to see if you can spot the word truth popping up.        

Part 1 - Lead-in Session DRAMA

Outline for Leaders

Ed is heading off for Truthville. As he arrives at the sign pointing to the town, he meets Bash another traveller. Bash persuades Ed that there is a better route, taking a short cut, Ed trusts Bash and decides to go with him. When the two travellers get into trouble in a bog, Ed starts thinking about what has happened and realises that Bash has deceived him. Ed turns back retracing his steps onto the right path and although late, he eventually gets to Truthville, where he takes a room for the night. A map of the island is provided and can be used on screen at the start of the drama.

Props, characters, sound effects:


Ed – Kitted out with rucksack, rope, water bottle, guide book, walking stick, boots, cap.

Bash – Kitted out in boots, rucksack, etc.

Landlady - suitably attired

Props – Bench (couple of chairs together), signpost, Guide book, Landlady’s cottage door, Hope Island ticket.   

Sound Effects – (1) General walking background sounds, birds singing… (2) bog squelchy noise, possibly croaking frogs.

Slide 4 Week 2 map - Ed is on his way to Truthville his journey progress is shown by the symbol of a red arrow.

PP SLIDE 4 Week 2 Hope Island map
PP SLIDE 5 Wild ponies

Ed’s off to truthville

Narrator: Last week Ed visited Gateway, he had a great time and is now continuing his journey to Truthville the next place on Hope Island's map, can you all see ED’s position? He’s just arrived at the sign and is resting up, enjoying a drink. Oh, there’s someone else arriving at the sign too. Ed’s talking to him now.

Ed: Hi there, good to meet you, my name is Ed, great path this isn’t it? You can see the ponies just like it shows on the map - would you like a biscuit?  

Slide 5 ‘Hope Island ponies’

Bash: Thanks mate, that’s very kind (takes the biscuit). They call me Bash where you off to?

Narrator: (Ed shows Bash his guide book) Ed tells Bash that he’s doing the six stops journey around Hope Island from the guide book he found in his loft. Bash is doing that too. Bash suggests to Ed that when they’ve rested up, they should go on together as company for one another. Ed agrees, they put their kit into their back packs and head off – but wait, Ed’s going one way and Bash another.

Ed: Hey Bash this is the way to Truthville.

Bash:  No you want to come this way with me it’s a good track and we’ll get there quicker. It’s the path to ‘Short-Cut’.

Slide 6 Hope Island boggy land

Narrator: Bash tells Ed that ‘Short-Cut’ is a lovely little place along the way where they can get refreshments and going this way will save them several hours of walking. Ed is hesitating but decides to follow Bash’s advice so they set off on the path towards ‘Short-Cut’. The travellers walk on chatting together about animals they’ve seen so far on their journey. (Do a circuit of the hall to end up back on stage.)

Narrator: Oh dear, Ed is starting to feel a little uncomfortable about this route.

Ed: Hey Bash, I thought you said this was a good path, seems to be a bit tricky to me.

Bash: No worries mate, we'll be there in no time.

Narrator: But Ed and Bash start to find the path unsteady underfoot, it has become very boggy. Ed is now struggling (Ed using his stick by now) he is not happy, he’s talking to Bash. 

Ed: Bash wait. This is not a good path at all, in fact it could be dangerous and we’ve only a few hours before dark.

Bash: We’ll be fine Ed you’ll see, come on.

Narrator: But Ed is not going any further without looking at the guide. He tells Bash they need to check the route. Bash says he already has and that they are on the right road. But Ed wants to check this out for himself so he gets out his guide book. Ed is now very unhappy. He sees from the guide that there is only a feint trail to Short-Cut and that the trail runs right through a bog – this bog! Ed is even more upset as he realises that the shortcut doesn’t take them to Truthville at all, it goes straight across to Breadworth. Ed now turns to Bash again.

Ed: Bash you didn’t tell me the truth. This is not a good path like you said and even worse, this shortcut doesn’t take me on my journey, it misses Truthville out altogether!

Narrator: Ed goes on to tell Bash that he’s not happy at all about the situation and that we should always tell the truth, which is very important indeed. He tells Bash that he has let him down and suggests that they make their way back so that they can get onto the right road to Truthville. But even though Ed tries to persuade him, Bash does not want to go back. Ed shakes Bash’s hand and they part company.

Ed is glad to now be heading for the right path to Truthville. He realises that he hadn’t followed the Gatekeeper’s advice who told him to stick to the guide book no matter what anyone told him along the way. Ed decides that from now on he will try and not let anyone put him off going on the right path.

Ed makes it to Truthville just before dark and is very relieved. It’s too late for Ed to pitch his tent so he’ll have to get a room. Oh, he’s found somewhere and is knocking on the door, oh dear another problem it’s £10 for a bed for the night. That won’t leave him much for the rest of his trip. He gets his money out to pay for the room.

A mocked-up cottage door and surround made from cardboard and fixed on a kiosk frame. Go to ‘Backdrops Showcase’ for more images.
You could equally simply have a large piece of cardboard suitably painted for a door.

Landlady: Yes son, that’s right, it's £10 for the room and bed that is, unless, well – did you get a ticket at the gatehouse by any chance?

Ed: Yes, yes I’ve got a ticket, it’s here somewhere, got to be, I know I have it (Ed fumbles around for the ticket).

Narrator: With a sigh of relief Ed pulls the crumpled ticket from his pocket.

(Landlady tears a token off the ticket and gives it back to ED.) 

Landlady: I say, you’d better take more care of that ticket – you never know when you might need it.

Narrator: So Ed’s adventure for the day ends. More than ever Ed knows that truth is very important and that we should all always tell the truth. Ed knows that if Bash had told the truth, they would not have ended up in a mess that day, but that’s all behind him now and he is looking forward to continuing his journey around Hope Island. We’ll see Ed next week as he moves on to the next part of his journey.

Slide 7 - Listen-up time

Part 2  



Scripture references for Leaders
John 14 v 6 (NLT) 
- Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’’
John 8 v 32 (GNB)  “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”

For the chat you will need a flip chart or white board and pen(s) a few props will also be of help, something to represent the news (newspaper or radio) some kind of advertisement, a picture of a gavel as used in a court might be good too. (You will need to ask the kids if they know what this is.)

Bible Chat

SLIDE 8 - Remind the children of today’s theme.
Jesus asking the question “Who Am I” – and His reply “I Am the Truth”.

Jesus said “I am the Truth”

In our drama earlier Bash told Ed some lies and because of this, Ed ended up in trouble. What trouble did Ed end up in?

  • He wasted time going the wrong way.

  • He risked missing going to Truth-Ville.

  • He ended up on a dangerous track.

Ask the children, what is the truth? (Use flip chart or whiteboard to write down what they say.)

  • Truth is not telling lies.

  • Truth is real not fake.

  • Truth can be relied upon.

  • Truth is helpful.

  • Truth is being honest.

PowerPoint Slide 9

Why is the truth so important? - BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO BE TOLD A LIE! Lies can cause things to go wrong and get people into trouble, as in our drama earlier. And lies make people feel bad! Lies prick our conscience. 

Do you think everything you hear from people is the truth?  

PowerPoint Slide 10

When do you think people might not tell the truth?   
PP Slide 9
THE PRESS - Not all news is truthful... Why might people twist the truth in the news?
Sadly, often it is because news stories appear more interesting and news companies want people to buy their paper… Sometimes newspapers have to go to court and pay fines for not quite telling the truth. We sometimes call untruthful news ‘fake news’ it’s made up, not really true.

PP Slide 10
ADVERTISEMENTS - Not all adverts are truthful. How might an advertisement not be truthful?
(Advertisers sometimes exaggerate as to how good something is they are selling, to get people to buy it.)

PP Slide 11
IN COURT - Not everyone giving evidence tells the truth, why might people lie in court? Sometimes people try to cover things up, by telling lies. They do this to avoid being found guilty, having to pay a fine or even avoid being sent to prison.

PowerPoint slide 11

But there are lots of people around who do tell the truth - I'm sure we all know people we can count on to tell the truth, don't we. TRUTH IS GOOD - we should always tell the truth. It's best if everyone lives by the truth and then people don't get hurt. Telling someone a lie can really be hurtful, especially when they discover they've not been told the truth.  So if we tell a lie it's best to own up quickly and ask for forgiveness.       

Jesus knows that the truth is very important, that’s why He said that people who followed Him would know His truth and His truth would make a big difference in their lives. Jesus never tells us a lie, it's against all he stands for. 

SLIDE 12 - Jesus said, “I am the Truth" because Jesus speaks the truth many people believe in Him. When we believe Jesus’ words we become His disciples, His followers are called Christians. Christians should seek to live honest and truthful lives. People who really want to follow Jesus not only believe His truth but they obey Him too.

(Holding up your Bible) The Bible, God’s special book, is full of truthful things that Jesus said to help us live good and purpose filled lives. The greatest truth that Jesus wants you to know is that He loves you and cares very much about you. 

Part 3 

Response time (in small groups)

We’ve been hearing all about Jesus being the TRUTH today. 

  • Don't mention any names but has anyone ever been untruthful with you?

  • How did that make you feel?

  • Don't answer out loud but just to yourself ask the question - have I ever been untruthful to someone else? (Not a nice feeling.)

  • If you have told lies you can ask Jesus to forgive you and help you put things right.

It's important that we know we can trust those around us to tell us the truth. Jesus wants us to know that He can be trusted. He wants the very best for us. He shows us truth in the Bible, knowing God's truth gives us hope, peace and joy, it sets us free from guilt and gives us purpose for life as we follow Jesus daily.


Hope Island Week 2 Lead-in drama script, Bible chat & response time Leaders’ notes
Week 2 PowerPoint slides

Hope Island Gateway sign
Hope Island Truthville sign
Bev’s B&B sign (for landlady’s door)
Rose Cottage name sign