Week1 Key phrase slide - Download PowerPoint from the bottom of this page.

Week1 Key phrase slide - Download PowerPoint from the bottom of this page.


Bible focus Paul’s conversion              

part 1   

Lead-in session            

Outline for Leaders


The adventurer Ed begins his travels trekking up a mountain. However, all does not go well as he gets onto the wrong path. Eventually, Ed meets someone who helps him get on the right path. 

Characters: Ed and his friend Jim.

Props: Hiking gear, compass, map, rucksack, hat, sunglasses, boots, walking sticks, postcard, binoculars, camera, water bottle, rope.


Scene set: Jim is sitting at the base-camp with tea and biscuits, reading a postcard from his adventuring friend Ed.

Jim: Oh, yes, well I never, ha,ha,ha. What an adventure my friend is having mountain climbing. This postcard arrived late, he’s due back home today.

(The adventurer Ed walks on stage)

Jim: Ed, you're back, it’s so good to see you. Sounds like you’ve been on quite an adventure. How’d it go?

Ed: I got lost!

Jim: You got lost?

Ed: Yes, lost and went round in circles.

Jim: You mean you weren’t on the right path?

Ed: That’s right; I got going on the wrong path.

Jim: (scratching his head and scanning the audience with a frown) how did you get lost Ed?

Ed: Well, before I started off I grabbed this map from the shelf. But it wasn’t very helpful.   

Jim: (taking the map off him) but Ed, this is a map of Devon and you were walking in Scotland.  

Ed: (looking a bit solemn) I know, I should have put my glasses on when I looked for the map.

Jim: This would be absolutely no use to you all. What about your compass?

Ed:  Well, you know how it is (raising right hand confidently) I thought there would be lots of signposts so I left my compass at home.

Jim: Ed you never did.

Ed: Well, I couldn’t get a phone signal on the mountain to use google either. So all started as a bit of a disaster really.

Jim: So what did you do?

Ed: I had to start all over a again. I found someone on the mountain who had the right map and a compass.

Jim: Ah, I see, this sounds promising.

Ed: It really was, it was like someone turned the light on and suddenly the path was clear and I was away. You gotta get on the right path you know. Follow the map, use the compass. The right path is the best way.

Jim: Well Ed, it so happens that our new Kidz Klub series is all about a guy's adventures and later we're going to hear  about him and how he started out going the wrong way, doing the wrong things but ended up meeting Jesus, who put him straight and he got onto the right path. Hey Ed, you’re off to the jungle next week aren't you?(Ed nods) I wonder what that will be like?

Part 2   

Bible Chat

THE RIGHT PATH - Paul's New Beginning
Acts chapter 9 verses 1 – 19

Week 1 Props - ‘AwG’ Sign - ‘Adventurers with God’

Week 1 Props - ‘AwG’ Sign - ‘Adventurers with God’

Outline for Leaders

Paul's life was on the wrong path, opposing and persecuting Jesus and His followers but a personal encounter with Jesus set Paul on the right path, which he followed for the rest of his life.  

Story Props: Handcuffs, sword, arrest warrant, road sign for Damascus to Jerusalem, voice of Jesus, stage lights (if available). PowerPoint picture of a Christian in prison.

Chat for Kids

Hey kids, do you like an adventure? Can you tell me what adventures you have been on? (Take a few answers). Well, over the next few weeks we are going to be talking about a guy called Paul who had some incredible adventures. Paul’s adventures were recorded by his friend Luke, who often travelled with Paul on his journeys. Luke was a doctor, a very clever chap who also wrote one of the gospels.

Paul's aim was to lock Christians up in prison. (Download this PowerPoint image from the bottom of this page)

Paul's aim was to lock Christians up in prison. (Download this PowerPoint image from the bottom of this page)

Paul at one time caused loads of trouble for Christians, he even helped to get them thrown into prison (show the pic of the chap locked up in prison).

Our adventure with Paul begins when he was travelling from Jerusalem to a place called Damascus, in search of Christians (show road signs). Paul had letters from the authorities and search warrants that gave him the power to hunt down Christians and throw them in jail (show handcuffs and search warrant props). Paul was not alone on his journey, others were travelling with him (show the sword and temple police sign if you have one, commenting how these people would help Paul arrest the Christians).

Although Paul thought that what he was doing was right, Christians were suffering as a result. Paul thought the Christians he was locking up were turning people away from God, when actually it was quite the opposite, they were showing people who God was and telling them all about His wonderful Son Jesus. What made things worse was that the authorities encouraged Paul in what he was doing.

So, there was Paul travelling to Damascus with his helpers when suddenly a terrifically bright light appeared on the road (use stage lights for effect if you have them). Oh my goodness whatever was going on, at the same time as the light shone Paul heard an audible voice say (have someone say the words loudly), "Paul, Paul why are you persecuting me, who are you causing all of this trouble for, why are you doing this?"

Paul cried out to the voice. "Who are you, who is speaking to me?"

"I am Jesus, the one who you are causing all of this trouble for," came the reply.

Paul didn't know what to say or do. Jesus told him to go into the city and wait for a man from Straight Street called Ananias who would tell him what to do. When Paul got up he was blind and couldn't see anything (you may close your eyes and keep them closed until Paul’s sight comes back to him. You could reach out with your hands as if unable to see).

Paul’s companions on the journey took him to Damascus and there he waited for Ananias. Sure enough after three days Ananias came to see Paul, he hadn't wanted to go at first because he was afraid of Paul but Jesus had told him it was okay and so he obeyed and went. Ananias prayed for Paul and suddenly he could see again. He told Paul all about Jesus and Paul himself became a Christian, a follower of Jesus.

Paul’s whole life had now turned around. He was sorry for hurting Christians and Jesus lovingly forgave him. Paul was a new man, all of his old ways were now in the past. Immediately, Paul started telling people about his new found faith in Jesus.

Paul was going the wrong way in life, but he found the RIGHT PATH, following Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life.

part 3     

Response time (in small groups)

Discuss the following questions with the children:

1.   Does Jesus only care about the people in the world who are good?

2.   What made Paul turn his life around?

3.   Can anyone change or just some people?

Ask the children if like Paul, they would like to follow Jesus too. Depending on their response, guide them through a prayer and give them words of encouragement.


Lead-in Drama Script, Bible Chat and Response Time Leaders’ Notes
PowerPoint Week 1 - Key Phrase Slide
PowerPoint Slide of Man in Prison