Week 2 Key phrase slide (Download PowerPoint from bottom of this page.)

Week 2 Key phrase slide (Download PowerPoint from bottom of this page.)


Week 2 - STICK AT IT
Bible focus Paul’s Escape from Damascus                        

Part 1   

Lead-in Session

Outline for Leaders

This week, Ed the explorer returns from the jungle. It was tough going and a hard trek. But Ed learned tenacity and the theme that emerged from his jungle experience was that sometimes we need to 'stick at it' whatever might try to hinder us. Later, we will develop this when Paul faces opposition to his new found faith.        

Characters: Ed and his friend Jim

Props: Jungle explorer’s hat, base camp, compass, map, rucksack, sunglasses, boots, binoculars, camera, water bottle, plastic spider, Ivy stuck in pocket, ‘oh yes it is’ sign, lunch box, broom.

Scene set: Jim is sitting with tea and biscuits reading a postcard from his friend.


Jim: (addressing the audience) Hey guys, a few weeks ago my mate Ed went mountaineering, last week he was in the jungle, any second now he’s due back from his jungle adventure. I can’t wait to see how he got on. 

Ed: (Enters stage wiping his brow, complete with plastic spider stuck to his hat so kids can’t see as he comes on) Phew, what an adventure!

Jim: Ed you're back, take a seat. I can’t wait to hear how you got on in the jungle.

Ed: Tough.

Jim: (Scanning the audience with a quizzical look) it was tough? (short pause). How do you mean Ed?


Ed: It was tough going (pulling ivy out of his pocket and dusting himself off a little). The jungle was full of creepy crawlies and bugs and spiders, and bogs and wacky plants – but it was really cool too!

Jim: (with a cautious frown) Ed...

ED: Yes?  

Jim: I think you’ve brought a spider back with you!

Ed: Nah, not possible.


Jim: (cautiously peering around Ed’s shoulder and holding up ‘oh yes it is’ sign to the audience) Oh yes it is.

Ed: No not possible.

Jim: (sign again) Oh yes it is (as Ed turns slightly so that the spider is in view of the audience). Ed, there’s a spider on your hat, stay very still I’m going to hit it with this broom.

Ed: You can’t do that, you might break the broom.

Jim: I didn’t think of that, I’ll catch it in my lunch box (at arms length with uncomfortable face) got it – anymore surprises?

Ed: Let’s hope not.

Jim: So it was tough, how do you mean?

(As Ed goes through his description of the jungle experience below, Jim pulls faces of concern, puts hands to face, changes expression in response to Ed's description.) 

Ed: (Standing up with gestures as if moving through the jungle.) Well there were many obstacles, fallen trees, and boggy ground, overgrown plants, (pretending to cut them down) and poisonous snakes.

Jim: So there were many things trying to put you off carrying on with your jungle adventure.

Ed: Yes but I stuck at it. There were lots of things to put me off and sometimes it wasn’t easy. But there were so many good things to see and hear along the way. It was so cool and so, so worth it.

Jim: Yes, you’re right Ed. Sometimes following Jesus is not always easy but sticking at it brings the best result.

Ed: Sure does. Lots of things and sometimes people try to put us off following Jesus, but we need to stick at it and later we’re going to hear all about how Paul stuck at it

part 2    

Bible Chat

The Great Escape           
Acts chapter 9 verses 22 – 25

You may have or be able to loan a basket. If you don’t have one a  cardboard box may suffice.. The kids imagination will do the rest.  The basket pictured is made from cardboard.

You may have or be able to loan a basket. If you don’t have one a cardboard box may suffice.. The kids imagination will do the rest.
The basket pictured is made from cardboard.

Outline for Leaders
Paul found that not everyone was pleased when he started following Jesus. Some tried to stop him, there were even attempts on his life.  However, Paul was determined to stick at it and continued following Jesus. This took him on some  interesting adventures, including this one where he escaped from his pursuers by being lowered in a basket through a hole in the city wall.   

Story Props: basket or box, rope, PowerPoint pictures of city wall with a hole in it and city entrance (provided), a plaque (cardboard) with the words ‘stick at it’.

[See downloads bottom of page for printable version of Bible chat]

Bible Chat
Last week we heard about a guy called Paul who went about causing trouble for Christians (followers of Jesus). Paul was misguided but all this changed the day he met Jesus for himself. Now Paul was completely different, instead of causing trouble for Christians he joined them in telling other people about Jesus. He couldn't tell people quick enough, but now this caused Paul his own problems because there were people who were quite upset about this. People who didn't like the new Paul, they wanted the old Paul back.

Paul was a new person, a better person, Jesus had given him a real purpose for living. News quickly spread of how Paul was telling people the Good News about Jesus. This made those against Paul and Jesus very angry, so angry that they wanted to stop Paul immediately. So Paul's new enemies decided to capture him and prevent him from talking about Jesus anymore. They even wanted to kill Paul and do away with him completely. Even though people were now trying to stop Paul, he made up his mind that he was going to STICK at IT and follow Jesus.

Paul's enemies set a 24/7 watch at the city gate (PowerPoint slides for the above and below pictures downloadable from the bottom of this page.)

Paul's enemies set a 24/7 watch at the city gate (PowerPoint slides for the above and below pictures downloadable from the bottom of this page.)

So Paul’s enemies set a trap to catch him. The way into the city of Damascus was through the city gates, everyone went in and out through these gates and Paul sooner or later would have to come this way too. Paul's enemies decided that they would set watch over the city gates so that when their spies saw him leave, they could grab him. They watched the gates around the clock and waited for him.

Paul however, had found out about their plans and his friends had a plan of their own. They had discovered a hole in the city wall. They waited until it was dark and lowered Paul down the wall in a basket.

Paul escapes from Damascus in a basket lowered through a hole in the city wall (see PowerPoint slide).

Paul escapes from Damascus in a basket lowered through a hole in the city wall (see PowerPoint slide).

So Paul escaped safely from Damascus and quickly set off for Jerusalem. What an adventure! God was looking after Paul. Along this adventure other people would try and stop Paul too, but he had decided that nothing or no one was going to stop him telling people everywhere about Jesus. Paul was going to STICK at IT     

We may have friends who don’t want us to follow Jesus, they might try to persuade you not to come to Kidz Klub. God will give you the power to live your life for Him when you put your trust in Him.

part 3      

Response time
(in small groups)

Prayer basket - Printable version downloadable from the bottom of this page.

Prayer basket - Printable version downloadable from the bottom of this page.

Before the session have ready a basket outline on pieces of paper and some felts pens, one for each child.

1. Ask the children if they can remember the adventurer’s key phrase for the evening - STICK at IT . What does this mean?

2. Why do you think some people wanted the old Paul back?

3. What did they see in Paul that showed he had changed?

4. Has anyone ever discouraged you from following Jesus?

Ask the children to write a prayer in the outline of the basket asking God to help them not to be discouraged but to keep trusting and following Him.


Lead-in Drama Script, Bible Chat and Response Time Leaders’ Notes
PowerPoint Week 2 - Key Phrase Slide
PowerPoint Slides of the City Wall Escape from Damascus Images.
Printable Version of Basket

other material

See The Great Escape Illustrated Bible Story Page