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WK3 Key phrase slide - Download PowerPoint from the bottom of this page.
(OPTIONAL - There is a third slide on this week’s key phrase PowerPoint. This hi-lights the leader of the expedition group on the snow and asks a couple of questions. You may like to use this image to endorse the theme of how we put TRUST in someone and in this instance how a whole line of 21 people are trusting the group leader to guide them safely on their journey. We too can trust Jesus to help and guide us in our daily lives.)
Week 3 - TRUST GOD
Bible focus Paul & Silas in prison
part 1
Lead-in Session
Outline for Leaders
The adventurer Ed has been to the arctic where it was very cold. During this adventure, Ed came across the hazard of thin ice. On his return he explains to Jim how he had to trust the expedition leader to get through this hazard.
Characters: Ed and his friend Jim
Props: Adventurer’s camp, gear for the cold - gloves, hat, scarf, boots, coat, flask, mugs, biscuits, a rod or cane for ice testing thickness, blanket, water bottle.
Sketch - ED Returns from the Arctic
Jim: (sitting with a book as Ed bursts in)
Ed: (entering stage in gear) So good to be back in the warm, it’s freezing in the Arctic!
Jim: Ed, so good to see you, take a seat, would you like an ice lolly?
Ed: (looking across the audience bemused) An Ice lolly, is that the best you can do? I’ve just come back from the Arctic where the temperature is minus 50 degrees, everything out there is frozen, I've seen enough ice to last me all year!
Jim: (pouring from flask) Sorry Ed, I was only joking, how about a nice hot cup of tea. So how was the Arctic?
Ed: Fantastic!
Jim: Can you tell us about it?
Ed: There was lots of snow and ice. Generally it was very thick ice but in some places it was thin, very thin indeed. You couldn’t tell how thick the ice was because it all looked the same, covered in snow. Underneath the thin ice there was freezing cold water and in that water there were things lurking waiting for dinner! So there were lots of dangers in the Arctic but you couldn’t see them.
Jim: (beginning to shake and shiver) Hey Ed you are making me feel cold, I’m going to have to get a blanket (comes back with a blanket and hot water bottle, still shivering – with a shivering voice) Well Ed, wh---at, did yo---u do? How di---d yo---u ge----t around?
Ed: I put my complete trust in the expedition leader!
Jim: Oh, how did you do that?
Ed: (standing up with a cane or rod and acting out how the expedition leader tested the ice)The leader knew exactly what he was doing, I could trust him. We’d travel along and once in a while, he would stop if he thought the area might have danger. He’d carefully prod into the snow with a slim pole like this to test the ice thickness underneath the snow. If it was OK we’d carry on, if it was too thin, we’d change direction.
Jim: Hey Ed, that’s cool and reminds me of our adventurer's theme today – TRUST GOD. We don’t have to test ice beneath the snow, but we do come across things where we need God’s help and we can TRUST GOD to help us.
Later, we’ll see how Paul trusted God in a very difficult situation.
part 2
Bible Chat
Prisoners for Preaching
Acts chapter 16 verses 16 – 40 (Paul and Silas in prison).
Outline for Leaders
Paul’s adventures took him to some unusual places, like the time he ended up in prison, even though he had done nothing wrong. But Paul never stopped trusting and praising God and even in prison he sang with his mate Silas all about God’s love. This incredible adventure caused others to follow Jesus too.
Prison bars or door may be made of cardboard.
Story Props: prison bars made of cardboard may be used to stand alongside the leader telling the story. Other prop’s and sound effects - earthquake sound effect, handcuffs, toy sword, jailer's big key, lamp for jailer, bell with which town Official summoned the jailer.
(There’s also an alternative drama version below for further ideas.)
Bible Chat
(Start the chat standing by your prison door or bars)
Last week, we heard how Paul escaped from the city of Damascus and from people, who were trying to stop him spreading the Good News about Jesus. This week, Paul is in trouble again but this time he gets thrown into prison.
After Paul left Damascus he went on to Jerusalem and then all over the place telling people that Jesus loved them and wanted to change their lives. Along the way, Paul made many friends including a guy called Silas.
Props. A set of metal keys makes a good clanging sound.
One place they visited was Macedonia. It was so exciting because they talked to lots of people who came to believe in Jesus. However, a group of people stirred up trouble for Paul and Silas and started telling lies about them. They even got the authorities involved, which resulted in Paul and Silas being arrested and thrown into prison (move behind your prison door to continue your talk). Things were not looking good, Paul and Silas had done nothing wrong but found themselves behind prison bars.
Paul and Silas were however not discouraged and there in that prison cell they started singing praises to God for all of the wonderful things that He had done, even though it was midnight! They prayed and sang hymns, whilst all of the other prisoners listened to them (you can sing here if you like from behind the bars).
Suddenly, there was such a noise, the building shook and prison doors flew open (earthquake noise for effect as you throw your door down in front of you). There had been an earthquake and now all of the prisoners were free! When the jailer woke up and saw that the doors to all of the prison cells were open, he drew his sword (draw a sword) to kill himself thinking that all of the prisoners had escaped. But Paul shouted out, "don't harm yourself, we are all here!''
The jailer was amazed and fell down on the floor before Paul and Silas asking them what he should do to become a Christian. That night the jailer and all his family became followers of Jesus.
The next day the authorities let Paul and Silas go free as they realised they had no charge that they could hold against them. Paul and Silas went on their way continuing to tell everyone what great things Jesus had done for them. Nothing was going to stop the Good News of Jesus’ love from spreading across the whole world.
Alternative Dramatised Presentation of the Story
Props: Prison bars / door, earthquake sound effect, handcuffs, toy sword, large clear labels for the Jailer and town official, Jailer's big key, town jail sign, lamp for Jailer, bell with which town Official summons Jailer.
Characters: Paul, Silas, town Official, Jailer.
Drama opens with Paul beginning to tell the account of what happened on this adventure.
Paul - Oh hi there, I'm Paul, remember last week you heard how I escaped from Damascus through a hole in the city wall. Well today I’m here to tell you what happened to me and my friend some time later.
On my travels I made lots of friends and some of them joined me in spreading the Good News about Jesus’ love in places I visited. One person who became a good friend was Silas. Look here he comes, please welcome Silas (Silas walks on stage and joins Paul).
Me and Silas went to a place called Macedonia, we had a great time. The family of a woman named Lydia believed and became followers of Jesus. But there were a few who didn't like us being around and tried to make things really difficult for us. Basically, they wanted us to go home and stop talking about Jesus. Some of them said we were even spoiling their businesses!
Silas - yeah one guy was really quite mean, he accused us of wrecking his idol business, he made little gods out of silver then sold them, he even got some of the local people against us.
Paul - He sure did and then the town Official turned up and marched us off to the local jail (town official enters the stage as Paul is speaking and walks across to Paul and Silas).
Town Official - Right you two, it's off to jail for you. We've been hearing bad reports that you are trouble causers who have been disturbing the peace.
Paul - That's not true Sir, we've come here simply to tell people about a man called Jesus.
Silas - Yes, we are very peaceful people.
Town Official - Not what I've heard, trouble causers that's what you are and we lock them up! (Town Official marches Paul and Silas across to a prison door and rings the bell for the Jailer. Have a hand bell for Official to summon Jailer with.)
Jailer comes onto the stage carrying the jail door front, which he rests on one side of the opening. Jailer is wearing a sword and also carrying a jail key.
Jailer - Hello Mr. Official I'm assuming these two are for the cells tonight.
Town Official - Yes lock them up. Make sure you guard them well.
Jailer - I will Sir, I'll put them in the strongest jail I have! (The Jailer pushes Paul and Silas through the stage door and slams the jail door across the opening and locks it.)
Paul and Silas appear behind the bars of the jail door (see photo).
Night falls and the stage goes dark, Paul and Silas can be heard chattering behind the door. Paul and Silas then start to sing a simple song together, possibly one that the children know.
(Suddenly, there's an earthquake sound, thunder / lightening flash and the jail door blows open falling flat on the stage. The Jailer appears with a lamp, and draws his sword.)
Jailer – Oh no what shall I do, all the prisoners have escaped!
Paul - It's okay, don't worry, don't harm yourself we're all here.
Jailer - (Dropping to his knees and putting his hands together in a prayerful gesture) what must I do to know your God?
Paul - Just believe in Jesus (Paul makes his way to the front of the stage). And that's what happened, all of the Jailer's family got up out of bed and we told them about Jesus and they believed that very night. The Jailer was overjoyed at what had happened.
The next day the town official released us from prison and we were on our way again to tell even more people about the wonderful love of Jesus.
part 3 Response time (in small groups)
1. Why do you think Paul and Silas were able to sing praises in prison?
2. In some countries of the world people are still put in prison for talking about Jesus today. Do you think that is fair?
3. What would have happened to the Jailer if Paul and Silas had ran out of the prison after the earthquake?
4. What good came out of Paul and Silas being in prison? Discuss how God wants to turn bad things into good and give examples of how we, in our daily lives, can do the same (possible examples; kids are being mean to someone in the playground and you go up to them and tell them to stop and show friendship to that person, if you see someone is upset go and comfort them, telling someone that you forgive them if they have hurt you).
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help us to remember that when bad things happen there is always the opportunity to do something kind and good. Make us bold and strong so that we can make a difference and be your hands and feet in this world showing your love and care. Amen
Lead-in drama script, Bible Chat and response time leaders’ notes
PowerPoint Week 3 - Key phrase slides