Home > Games > Team Games > Game 5 > Game 6 Hockey Dribble



Relay game where teams compete to be first to get all of their players to dribble a plastic ball around 3 obstacles.

equipment & definitions:

  • Suitable lightweight, child friendly play stick for each team.

  • Lightweight air flow ball for each team.

  • 3 suitable obstacles for each team - ball to be dribbled around these.

  • Team markers / tape for each team.

  • End of course marker - this may be some masking tape on floor, cone, chair…

  • Game-leader - person running the game.

  • Team leader - person responsible for one of the teams.

how to play:

Each team will need to be supervised by a competent adult / youth leader.

Evenly space each team’s 3 obstacles in a line between the start and end markers of the course.

Get team leaders to line the members of their team up behind team markers.

The team leaders to get their first player ready to start with hockey stick in hand and ball suitably placed on the floor.

On GO the first player from each team starts down the course by dribbling the ball with the hockey stick around the first obstacle and on through the others. They then touch the course end marker and return up the course again dribbling the ball around the tubs once more. On completion the player hands the play stick to player 2 who proceeds through the course. Player 1 goes to the back of their team. On completion, player 2 hands the stick to 3 and so on…The first team to get all of their players round the course and seated on the floor, wins the game.