Home > Games > Team Games > Game 6 > Game 7 The Drawing Game


Children use their drawing skills and knowledge in seeking to out-draw the other teams.

Equipment & Definitions:

  • Drawing paper and pens for each team.

  • List of 10 items for the teams to draw - this list will need to be duplicated so that there is an identical copy for each of the teams. The list for each team is cut up into ten pieces so that there is a single item on a piece of paper which is folded and placed into a paper cup. So each team leader ends up with a paper cup containing 10 folded bits of paper each baring an item which the teams need to draw.

  • Team leader - the person responsible for overseeing one of the teams.

How to play:

The team leader picks someone from their team to start the game. Team leader then picks a piece of paper out of the cup, unfolds it and shows it to the child who is first to draw. The other team players must not see the words on the paper!
The child then begins to draw a picture or pictures from which the team must guess the words on the piece of paper. No words may be spoken or mimes shared, the team must guess from the picture(s) only.
The person who correctly guesses the first picture looks at the next piece of paper, which the leader pulls from the cup, again only the drawer must see it.

If the person drawing is really struggling to communicate with the others the team leader should carefully intervene so that the game doesn’t get stuck or boring within their group. Also, the child who guesses what has been drawn doesn’t have to be the next to draw, they may not want to or if they’ve already had a go it might be appropriate to get someone else to have a go so that the opportunities are shared out.

As soon as a team, has gone through the complete list they should shout out ‘stop drawing’ and the other teams must stop, they are the winners. If no team has finished going through the list when time is called, the team with the least items to draw is the winner.