Home > Games > Team Games > Game 7 > Game 8 Egg & Spoon Race


Traditional fun as teams compete to get as many eggs into their hoop against the clock

equipment & Definitions:

  • A large quantity of suitable small child safe lightweight toy eggs.

  • One lightweight child safe spoon per team.

  • One hoop per team.

  • One bowl per team.

  • A 60 - 90 second timer depending of number of eggs in play.

  • Game-leader - person running the game.

  • Team leader - person responsible for their team.


how to play:

Each team will need to be supervised by a competent adult / youth leader.

90 second version - 15 eggs per team based on teams of 6 - 8 children in each team.

Put each team’s eggs into a child safe bucket or bowl placed alongside the marker at the front of each team. Get team leaders to line the members of their team behind their starter marker.
Place a hoop suitable distance away from each team.
Give the first player in the team line the spoon in readiness for start
The game is a relay. Upon go, the first team member in line spoons an egg down the hall and places it into the hoop and then comes back to player 2 handing the spoon over. As player 2 sets off with the next egg, player 1 goes to the back of the line.
Play continues until all of the eggs arrive in the hoop or until time is up. The winner is the first team to get all of their eggs into their hoop or the team with the most eggs in their hoop when time is called. 


The game may also be played with a single egg & spoon per team whereby both the egg & spoon are passed from player to player. There is no time limit it’s simply the first team to have all of its players complete the course.