Home > Games > Team Games > Game 1 > Game 2 Knock Down Skittle



Very simple and popular game, where individual teams compete against one another to see who can knock down the skittle first.


  1. A large skittle or suitable painted plastic bottle for each team.

  2. A hoop per team

  3. Marker / tape to show players where to throw from

  4. 3 bean bags per team

  5. Scoreboard and pen

how to play:

Each team will need to be supervised by a competent adult / youth leader.

Team leaders to get their team of kids to line up behind their team marker and give each child a number. (If one of the teams is down on a player compared with others, someone will need two numbers so that they can go twice to cover the shortage of a player).
Put the skittle (and hoop if using one) a few metres away opposite the teams, mark a throwing point and put 3 bean bags at this point.
To start the game the person running it calls out a number upon which the team player of that number leaves the team, runs to the throwing point marker, picks up bean bags and starts throwing at the skittle. Number called should be random and not consecutive. The random call adds to the fun and keeps the teams on their toes as the players await the call of their number.
First person to knock the skittle down gets the point for their team. The players return to their place in the team line and another number is called.
The game continues until all team members have had a go.
If skittle is not downed by a particular call, no point is scored.