Home > Games > Family Games > Game 5 > Stand up Skittle



Popular, simple, fun game where team players compete to be the first to stand their skittle upright.

This and all games must be supervised by a responsible adult(s) at all times. Equipment should never be left unattended. Only authorised club leaders must enter area of play! [CLICK HERE to see our disclaimer]


  • Skittle for each team.

  • Chair for each team.

  • Scoreboard & pen.

  • Team markers.

How to play:

Get team leaders to line players up behind their team marker and number them - 1,2,3,4,5… front to back (If one of the teams is down on a player compared with others, someone will need two numbers so that they can go twice to cover the shortage of a player).
Place a chair opposite each team a few metres away with a skittle positioned flat on the floor in front of it.
To start the game the game leader calls out a number upon which that team player goes to the front, sits on their chair and seeks to be first to stand the skittle upright using their feet.
First team player with the skittle standing upright wins the point.

Number called should be random and not consecutive. The random call adds to the fun and keeps the teams on their toes as the players await call of their number.