Home > Games > Front Led Games > Game 5 > Game 6 Balls on Tubes



Simple but fun, which team can get all of their balls balanced on the tubes first?


  • 2 tables.

  • 5 - 6 small soft balls per team.

  • 5 - 6 cardboard tubes per team (kitchen roll size).

  • Child safe bowl or tray per team to keep the balls tidy.

How to play:

Balls on tubes schematic.PNG

Have a leader standing with a bowl of balls at the back of each team. One child to stand by the bowl.
Position a table in front of each team with 5 - 6 cardboard tubes laid flat on them. Have 1 - 2 children standing at a table.
On go, the child at the bowl feeds the balls into the back row of the team as quickly as they can.
The balls are then passed from the back row through the team to the front as quickly as possible.
As balls arrive at the front row children pass them to the kids at the tables who mount them onto the cardboard tubes.
The first team to have all of their balls balanced on the tubes wins.

Proprietary branded soft toy snowballs are an option which give a nice seasonal touch to this game in the winter / Christmastime.