Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Lord’s Prayer Intro > WK5 > Lord’s Prayer WK6 - King of the Universe…


Week 6 - King of the Universe - Who Lives Forever

For Leaders:

PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.

SLIDE 1 - ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ series theme slide
- Is the Impact Kids version of the Lord’s Prayer written especially for children. (Copyright)

Each week during this series it would be good to say the Lord’s Prayer at an appropriate point early on in your programme. You can make this the opening prayer of the evening.

SLIDE 3 - If required this may be used to remind kids of last week’s theme.

This week’s material covers the 6th and final part of the Lord’s Prayer “We know that You can help us because You are the amazing and powerful King of the universe who lives forever.”


SLIDE 4 - Introduce this week’s theme

The following sketch can be used to illustrate putting trust in someone who has the power to help you.


Two friends are on an expedition together in the artic and one of them falls into icy water. The other friend finds a way of saving them but they have to trust them.


Characters: Bill and Tom

Props: characters will need to be dressed in warm gear, including hats, scarf and gloves, goggles and walking sticks and haversacks.
A suitable rope of some kind.

Sound effect of a cold wind as Bill and Tom enter the stage.

‘On The Ice’

Tom: Burr, I knew the arctic was cold but I can’t feel my feet, (looking worried) do you think I’ve got frost bite?

Bill: Nah I’m sure you’re fine but I do agree it’s rather nippy out here today.

Tom: Right let’s look again at the map, we’ve got to make sure we don’t go near any thin ice (just as he says this Bill is wondering over to get a picture of an artic fox).

Bill: Look, over there it’s an artic fox, quick where’s my camera.

(Arctic fox image downloadable from bottom of this page.)

Tom: (Nervously with a tremble in his voice) Hey Bill don’t wander over there, there might be some thin ice.

Bill: I don’t think there’s any need to worry about that Tom, it looks as safe as houses.

Tom: Bill, I really do think you should be careful, you’re making me nervous.

Bill: Oh no need to worry Tom, we’re OK just here.

Tom: (Getting a little annoyed) Now look here Bill you really…

(Tome is interrupted by Bill’s cry)

Bill: Oh no my foot is slipping, (Bill falls through the ice into cold water and with a shiver in his voice) help, help me Tom, help me!

Tom: I’m coming, I’m coming, don’t panic, I’ll get a rope, keep treading water (Tom gets a rope out of his haversack and runs to the hole).

Bill: (in a trembling, shivering voice) Help Tom, help - I’m so cold I can’t move anymore,

Tom: (throwing the rope to Bill) grab hold of the rope Bill.

Bill: (Struggling to get hold of the rope - trembling voice and tired) I don’t think I can do it Tom

Tom: Come on Bill, of course you can! Trust me you can do this, go on, trust me, grab the rope, Bill.

Bill: (after a struggle, panting) I’ve got it.

Tom: Right, I’m going to pull you out - hold on Bill (Tom pulls and pulls as hard as he can puffing and panting, eventually he gets him out)

Bill: (Cold, trembling and weary) Thanks Tom you saved my life!

Tom: We’ve got to get back to base and quickly get you warmed up. Next time look at the map not artic foxes!

(They make their way off stage with Tom holding onto Bill.)

Leader to sum up drama

In our drama we saw how Bill needed to trust his friend Tom to save him from the icy water. He needed to believe that his friend had the strength and power to pull him out and it turned out that he did. Later we will be looking at the final part of the Lord’s prayer where we acknowledge that God is all powerful and trustworthy. 

PART 2   


So kids, here we are at the last line of the cool prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. The Lord’s prayer and it says:

SLIDE 6 - “We know that You can help us, because You are the amazing King of the universe, who lives forever.”
Just like Bill trusted Tom to help him get out of the ice, so we can trust God to help us in our lives when we pray to Him.

SLIDE 7 - Now, I wonder, I’ve chosen three little pictures one to represent each of the three bits of this last line of the Lord’s prayer. I wonder if anyone might guess what they are.

What picture do you think I may have chosen for ‘A’? What picture, what do you think of for someone helping?

SLIDE 8 - I’ve chosen hands reaching out to help. That’s how close God wants to be to us. He wants to help us by being right by our side.

Now how about ‘B’ a picture representing our amazing and powerful God, King of the universe? What picture might you think of for God, creator of the universe.

SLIDE 9 - Well I’ve chosen a planet and a few stars as a symbol to represent the God’s power in creation.

And finally, God lives for ever and ever and ever, He is everlasting. What picture or symbol do you think I may have gone for here?

SLIDE 10 - I’ve gone for the symbol of infinity, a continuous loop that never ends. Because God is never ending, He goes on forever and ever. And the Good News is, His love for you and me goes on forever and ever too.

So here we are at the very, very end of this cool prayer that Jesus taught us to pray.
“We know that You can help us because You are the amazing King of the universe who lives forever.
SLIDE 11 - So, what’s with the word AMEN?
Where do we see the word Amen? (Take some answers)
What do you think AMEN means? (Take more answers)
Amen is a very good way to finish a prayer.
It means that we agree with the prayer. We see the prayer as truth.
It means YES! I believe this!
SLIDE 12 - It means I trust God! Amen is like a big thumbs up - ‘I’m in’.

So, we come to the end of this amazing cool prayer and we can all agree with Jesus’ prayer by giving a really big Amen together.  

PART 3  


Use this time to talk to the kids about prayer.

1.   Ask if this series has made them think any more about prayer. 

2.   Share a time when God answered your prayers

3.   Recite or read the Lord’s Prayer together.


Lead-in Drama Script, Bible Chat and Response Time Leaders’ Notes
Week 6 PowerPoint slides
Arctic fox image