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The Lord’s Prayer... (6 week series)

Series Introduction

The Lord’s Prayer series seeks to make this cool prayer that Jesus taught us accessible and engaging for kids. The prayer has been re-written to make it child friendly.

The Lord’s prayer encompasses all of the fundamentals of Jesus’ teaching and not only looks at our relationship with God but shows us how we should treat others, the world and creation.

Weekly PowerPoints

For each week there is a separate set of PowerPoint slides. The slides introduce the weekly topic and other items and then go on to cover the Bible chat material. The Bible chat is always preceded by the ‘LISTEN UP SLIDE’. After the fun and games of the earlier part of the evening, this is the time when the children are encouraged to ‘Listen up’ and engage with the talk.


These sessions introduce the key Lord’s Prayer phrase being considered each week. Most but not all of the lead-in sessions are of drama format.

BIBLE CHATS - ‘Listen up Time’

These unpack the weekly theme phrases from the prayer.

Some of the weekly material includes both practical things that we can all do to follow the teaching in the Lord’s prayer and also, personal spiritual response to the particular topic of the week.


This can be organised in small groups or front led. It is a time when the children are given the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the themed presentations.   

Weekly Titles - follow the links


  1. God our special Father

  2. King of our world

  3. The things we need today

  4. Forgiveness

  5. Staying away from things that can hurt us.

  6. King of the Universe - who lives forever - AMEN