Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Lord’s Prayer Intro > WK1 God Our Special Father > WK2 King of our World


Week 2 - King of our World

For Leaders:

PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.

SLIDE 1 - ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ series theme slide
- Is the Impact Kids version of the Lord’s Prayer written especially for children. (Copyright)

Each week during this series, it would be good to say the Lord’s Prayer at an appropriate point early on in your programme. You can make this the opening prayer of the evening.

SLIDE 3 - If required this may be used to remind kids of last week’s theme.

This week’s material covers the second part of the Lord’s Prayer - making God ‘King of our world’. We’ll look at how having the right attitude towards God, our neighbours and the environment around us are all part of making God king of our world.
This week’s drama is set around a gang (a good gang) who are going to elect their new leader. The gang sit together discussing how their various ‘talents’ might be useful as leadership material. The drama is intended to be fun and amusing at the same time as, highlighting the real qualities that are to be found in a true leader. The gang finally chooses a leader whose attributes reflect the loving and caring nature of God.

PART 1 - Lead-in session 

SLIDE 4 - Introduce this week’s theme

Kids, this week we look at the second line of ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and see how we can make ‘God King of our world’.
We make God King of our world and our lives, by treating the world and its people the way that God would want us to. Caring for others, looking after our environment and sharing the Good News of Jesus’ love with others are all part of making God our King.
Let’s kick-off with our drama and see what we make of what’s going on.

drama - ‘the gang’

The drama below has 5 characters but this may be scaled down to have less parts.

Characters: 5 gang members all to be given names. For this script we denote them as gang members - GM1, GM2, GM3, GM4, GM5. For the actual drama the five gang members will need to be given names.

Props: Create some kind of mock-up gang lair / base. This could be around a fake fire or in the form of a makeshift den. Items for particular gang members - football, piece of rope. Chairs for gang members – some kind of camp chairs helps create camp atmosphere – deck chairs, camping seats...  Have the chairs arranged in a crescent so that all gang members face the audience.  

Scene set: Two of the gang members are at base awaiting arrival of the others who turn up, one at a time coming from different directions. As each of the gang approach base, they carefully look around to make sure no one is watching before they make the gang call sign - ‘cuckoo, cuckoo’. They wait for the all-clear to approach, which is given by the response of ‘quack quack’ from one of the guys already at base. When they arrive at base each member is asked for the password (‘sausages’). As the gang members gather, they form a semi-circle sitting on their camp chairs facing the audience. Once all gang members have taken their seats the gang meeting begins. All of the members put their clenched fists into the centre saying ‘all for one and one for all’.

GM1: OK gang, let’s get started. This is the big day when we’ll choose our new leader.

GM2: Yes, we need the right leader, someone who is really clever and funny and cunning.

GM3: I think we need someone who cares about others, who cares if they are clever!

GM4: Yeah, someone who can show you how to pin your enemy down on the floor!

GM5: Don’t be silly we’re not that sort of gang, no we need someone who is kind.

GM1: (fiddling with a piece of rope) I think I’d make a good leader cause I can do tricks.

GM2: Tricks aren’t really that much good but I can cook and pull really good funny faces (proceeds to make a funny face).

GM4: (standing up and motioning with their fists) What good is cookery to our gang - but I am a good fighter!

GM1,2,4,5: (in unison) Oh really (as they wince) we’ve already said we don’t want to get into fights.

GM3: Well I am good at chess.

GM1: Chess, what good is that?

GM2: (Standing up and bouncing their ball on the floor) Exactly, but I’m a great football player.

GM3: (Standing up) Football - boring - but I can sing “I’m walking in the air …” (choir boy voice - the other gang members put their hands over their ears.)

GM1: 2,4,5: No, please stop.

GM4: We’re not getting anywhere, we need to take a vote.

GM1: Yes! Good idea we can put our votes in your hat.

GM4: (Takes their hat off and offers it for the vote)

GM2: (Gets up and produces 5 pieces of paper and pencils) OK gang members just write down the name of who you think should lead us, fold your paper and pop it into the hat.

(The gang members place their vote)

GM1: OK let’s count the votes.

(The votes are counted)

GM3: And the winner is GM5

(All of the gang gather around GM5 to give their congratulations.)

GM4: It was obvious wasn’t it, whilst we were all going on about our talents it was just so obvious that ……………… GM5 should be our leader. She / he is kind, caring, friendly, humble, always sharing, in fact he’s /she’s a really good person.

As the drama fades out one of the leaders say:

So kids the gang chose their new leader. Leaders are important aren’t they. The right leader can make a huge difference whether it be a king or queen, a prime minister or president, even a gang leader. A good leader really cares for the people of their land. We’re going to hear later about how we want God to be our leader and king of our world.

PART 2   


For Leaders:
We’re going to look at 3 ways in which we can make God King of our world. There is a slide made up of various pictures for each of these 3 ways. The slides may be used on their own, supplemented with objects you might take along or you may wish to not use the slides at all but the ideas generated from them.

Remember, the chat needs to be interesting and snappy, so it’s good to allocate an appropriate time for each of the 3 slides so that all of the required ground is covered. Every picture on every slide doesn’t need to be discussed, just sufficient to get the message across.

It’s good to let the children comment as to what the images are saying but you will need to guide them towards brief feedback so as to keep everything moving along at a suitable pace.


(Introduce Bible chat with the theme slide 6)

God is the King of the whole universe and Christians want God to be King of our world too, this planet earth. God is a good king. He made us, He knows what’s best for us. We’re going to look at 3 ways in which we can make God King of our world.

SLIDE 7 - We make God king of our world when we:
* Care about others * Care about the environment * Care about what God has to say to us

SLIDE 8 - Let’s look at how we care for others.

1. ‘Love your neighbour’
The people around us are our neighbours. We should be polite, helpful and loving towards them.
2. Caring for the people of the world.
Our caring attitude should go beyond our immediate neighbours, we should care and love everyone. And try to bring peace, love and joy wherever we can. We should pray for people around the world too.
3. We should work together with others. It doesn’t matter where we come from, we are all equal and should all work together in love and peace to build a better world.

4. We should always try and help one another.
5. Volunteering to help others is a great way to show we care.
6. Elderly people may need help too.
7. Comforting a friend when they are sad or need cheering up.
8. Image 8 shows someone showing love to a little girl. We should love others too to make God King of our world.

SLIDE 9 - Let’s look at how we care for the environment.
(For leaders - to add variety and interest you may also like to take along a box of items and ask the children how the items might be reused or recycled.)
1. We should recycle as much as we can.
2. Never throw food or any other waste on the floor. It can be dangerous, cause pollution and damage the environment. Always dispose of food waste in the right place.
3.Rubbish not disposed of properly can harm animals.
4. Rubbish should always be put in a bin.
5. Wherever possible think before you throw away. Can this be used again, can it be recycled?
6. There are lots of things which we might throw away that may be useful to other people .

Paying attention to all of these things is caring for the environment in which we live and is all part of making God King of our world.

SLIDE 10 - Finally we make God King of our world when we care about what God has to say to us personally.
1. God speaks to us through the Bible (hold your Bible up!)
2. We make God King of our world when we sing praises to Him in Kids Klub and God speaks to us through our songs.
3. We make God King of our world when we pray to Him.
4. We make God King of our world when we follow Jesus and receive Him into our lives.
5. We make God King of our world when we go to church and learn more about Him in Kids Klub.
6. We make God King of our world when we pray ‘The Lord’s Prayer’.
7. We make God King of our world when we let Him love us, when we love Him and when we love others too.

SLIDE 11 - At the end of the session:

Reiterate to the children that when we care for other people, our planet and the things God says to us we are showing God that we want Him to be King of our world and King in our lives.

PART 3  


  1. Do the kids think people care enough about our world?

  2. How can we make God King of our world?

  3. What does it mean to make God our personal King?

Competition and Art ideas

  1. The children could be asked if they would like to make a poster at home encouraging people to care for their environment, not drop litter, recycle and reuse. A prize might be given for each entry and a couple of special prizes for the best entries.

  2. ‘We want You to be King of our world’ colouring sheets