Home > Games > Front Led Games > Game 2 > Game 3 Mice Love Cheese
Two players compete to see who can get their team’s two mice to the cheese first.
4 large soft mice, two white and two black.
2 cheese slices made from cardboard and painted yellow.
6 Chairs (ensure chairs are well spaced apart between the two teams). .
Mice Love Cheese Layout
How to play
Place two chairs at the front each having a cheese block on each seat. At the back of the room place another four chairs, the outer ones having a white mouse on the seat, the inner ones a black mouse. Choose one child from each team at a time to play. The two children go to the back of the hall grab the white mouse and take it to the cheese, they immediately return to collect the black mouse. The first child to have landed both of their mice on the cheese, wins the point for the team. Play with different team members several times, team with most points wins.