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Christmas Chats and Dramas (no 2)

The Shepherd’s Story – (drama)

Use your imagination to create an Imitation shepherds fire.

Use your imagination to create an Imitation shepherds fire.

For Leaders:

This is a one person solo drama. However, the material could equally be used as the basis for a mini Christmas production. Extra shepherds could be introduced with dialogue between them, angels and the stable scene.

Props: Shepherd’s crook, imitation fire, shepherd’s outfit, lamb, background sound effect of sheep (baa, baa...), background night sky on PowerPoint.


(Come on stage holding a shepherd’s crook.)

Hello my name is Thomas, I was a shepherd once, living in Bethlehem, 2000 years ago. One night me and my friends were up on the hills watching over the sheep, chatting together around a fire like this. It was a lovely clear night, the moon and stars shining out across the valley.

Suddenly, a blaze of light appeared in the sky it was all around us – oh my – there was an angel up above us, yes in the sky, an angel! We were all terrified, I thought I was seeing things at first, I rubbed my eyes, the angel was still there I wasn’t imagining this at all, it was for real! My friends too were astonished as they gazed up into the sky – we were scared! What was going on – angels don’t just appear in the sky.

An angel spoke, he could see that we were frightened – “Don’t be afraid!” he said, “I bring you Good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour – yes the Messiah, the LORD – has been born today in Bethlehem, the City of David! And you will recognise Him by this sign: you will find the baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Oh my, this was incredible, and that wasn’t all. Suddenly the sky was completely full of light as a whole load of angels joined the first one, praising God. All together they shouted out, “Glory to God in the Highest Heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

When the angels disappeared we agreed with each other that we should go to Bethlehem and find the child. But how would we find Him, there were probably lots of babies in the town. Wait – the angel gave us a sign to help us know which baby we were looking for. The angel said – “you will recognise Him by this sign: you will find the baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.”

We must look for the baby lying in a manger, in case you don’t know what that is, it’s an animal feeding trough and I’m sure there will only be one baby that’s been put in an animal feeding trough tonight!

So off we went. We felt that the sheep would be okay that night without us, after all, angels had appeared in the sky and that doesn’t happen every day, this was a very special occasion. We walked across the hills and into the town and then started asking around the houses. We found the baby just as the angels had said, lying in an animal feeding trough. His parents, Mary and Joseph were with Him. We spent some time there with baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Finally, it was time for us to leave the stable.

What a night, we were so excited no one had any enthusiasm to go back to the sheep, after all we had been so privileged to meet the Messiah – the Saviour of the world. It’s the one night I will remember forever! I tell everyone about it, just like I’m telling you now. I just feel so grateful that God allowed me to be one of the first people on earth to see Jesus. I hope this Christmas you find Jesus for yourself too.


Drama Script
PowerPoint Night Sky Background