Home > Games > Front Led Games > Game 11 > Game 12 Bottle Shy


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bottle shy

A throwing game to knock down plastic bottles with bean bags.


See details towards bottom of page for ‘Snowman shy’

  • A suitable set of coloured plastic bottles or skittles - 10 makes a good set.

  • Bean bags - minimum of 6 needed, plus a couple of spares.

  • A couple of child safe bowls or trays may be useful to keep bean bags tidy during play.

  • Long table(s).

  • Marker tape to mark the throwing positions at front of hall floor.

  • Marker tape, markers or team leader to mark the touch point at the back of the hall.

  • Score board and pen.


3 versions of bottle shy are listed below.

  1. Single Bottle - (quick, fun easy to set up favourite).
    Stand a single bottle / skittle at either end of a long table (or use two tables) at the front of the hall. A few metres away (distance depends on age of children) place two separate piles of 3 bean bags for each team (If appropriate, trays or bowls may be used as bean bag tidies).
    Put a strip of marker tape on the floor to show the children where to throw from.

    Choose two children at a time to play, one from each team. The children start up front and go to the back of the hall, touch the rear marker and return to the front where they pick up their bean bags and throw at the bottle. First to knock down the bottle wins the point for the team.
    The game is repeated several times over with a new pair of children for each round.

  2. 10 Bottles - five for each team
    Basically, as above but this time put 5 bottles for each team lined up and it’s how many bottles the players can get down when they return to throw with their 3 bean bags.

  3. Bottle Shy ‘Static’
    In this version of the game, each player simply stands and takes their turn with 3 bean bag throws at all 10 bottles to see what they can score. Throwing position needs to be marked so that everyone’s turn is from the same spot. This is a good game as part of a family event.

    If you are playing against a wall you may need to place some cardboard behind the bottle shy to stop bottles marking the wall.

snowman shy

Set up for ‘Snowman shy’ similar to ‘Bottle shy’ except soft sponge balls or suitable soft fake play ‘snowballs’ of proprietary manufacture are used in lieu of bean bags. Two sets of 5 snowmen works well for a two team game.

Snowmen may be created from hardboard or similar cut-outs fixed to a suitable wooden base. ‘

Gallery including other ideas.

The above and bottom left is how we set the game up for family events.

The above and bottom left is how bottle shy game may set up for family events.