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11 - POST IT!

Teams compete to collect parcels, each of which has a letter painted on, first team to hold up the parcels in order to spell the word ‘POST’ wins.


  • 8 Medium sized cardboard parcels - 4 for each team . Write on each set the letters P,O,S,T.

  • Some kind of postman sacks - Christmas Santa sacks may be used, turned inside out - if you play the game at Christmas, sacks may be used the right way around.

How to play:


8 children per team play this game. 4 ‘post collectors’ and 4 ‘post sorters’ per team.

Place each team's 4 parcels on a separate table, chair or floor at the back of the room. Choose 4 ‘post collectors’ from each team and another 4 ‘post sorters’ to stand at the front of the team.The first team collector goes to the back of the room with the sack and collects a parcel. Popping it into the bag they come back to the front and pass the sack to the next ‘post collector’. The second collector takes the sack and gets the second parcel and so on until all parcels have been collected in the sack. The last person to collect the final parcel, goes to the front and hands the sack to the 4 ‘post sorters’ who empty the sack and each holding a parcel arrange themselves in the right order to spell the word 'POST'. The first team to do so wins.