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‘God Colours’ series - Week 2

‘Putting Things Right’ 

For Leaders:

(Matthew 5 verses 23-24 [The Message] “This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.’’

There is a set of PowerPoint slides for week 2 to accompany the lead-in session drama and this week’s teaching material.
PowerPoint, Leaders notes and other items downloadable from the bottom of this webpage.

PowerPoint slide 1 - ‘God Colours’ series theme slide. This slide now has last week’s theme on it. You may wish to ask the children what they can remember before moving on to this week’s theme.  

Hey kids remember we are talking about how God wants us to help Him paint the world with His special colours ‘God Colours’. God’s colours are not just the beautiful colours we see around us but also the good things that God wants everyone to see and know, including love, joy, peace and kindness. We’re going to see if you can guess from this evening’s drama what tonight’s ‘God Colours’ theme is.

Lead-in Session Drama

This evening’s ‘God Colours’ theme is ‘Putting Things Right’. These sketches are all about putting things right. Do the sketches before introducing the week’s theme and see if the children can come up with what they are all about.


This week’s drama comprises 5 sketches, in each scenario something gets put right.

Characters: Various people as per individual sketches. ‘P’ is used for the person in the sketch helping to put things right.

Props: Various to suit the individual sketches

Sketch 1 - Two puppets arguing in the puppet window - ‘P’ walks up to them “Hey, watts going on here then?” The puppets continue having a go at one another until ‘P’ says “Stop!” The puppets stop and ‘P’ explains that we don’t want arguments because arguments cause people to be unhappy. The puppets look at one another, nod in agreement, give one another a hug before quietly disappearing.

Sketch 2 - A picture hung on the wall that is not straight - ‘P’ walks past the picture and comments “oh that won’t do” and puts it straight.

Sketch 3 - Some one walks across the stage carrying a load of stuff which they drop all over the floor. ‘P’ helps them pick it up and helps them on their way.

Sketch 4 - Two friends with an issue, holding some kind of tool and both trying to softly pull it away from the other - The friends both want to use the tool. One believes they got it first and the other doesn’t agree, or one thinks they bought it and the other the opposite. They both want the item to use it for something. A third friend (‘P’) standing nearby hears the conversation points out that they can share it. One of them can use it on one day and the other the next day (or mornings and afternoons) until they have finished their jobs. They agree to toss a coin to see who will have it first - after the mediation they all smile shake on it.

Sketch 5 - Someone is standing at the bus stop looking very upset. ‘P’ comes up to the bus stop to also wait for the bus and notices the person upset. They explain that somehow, they’ve lost the extra pound to make up their bus fare and the bus is coming and they wont be able to get home. The other person says “oh, please don’t get upset, I’ve got a pound I can let you have, please take it.’’ The other person is so grateful and says they hope they can help someone else out of a problem soon.

So kids, from the drama can anyone guess what this evening’s theme is? Well, the theme is ‘Putting Things Right‘
Show tonight’s theme slide (SLIDE 2)

Part 2 (Listen up time - slide 3)

Bible chat

(SLIDE 4 ) So kids this evening’s God Colours theme is ‘Putting Things Right’.

Sometimes things break down, need fixing, need someone to put them right. Do you know anyone who’s good at putting things right, you know mending stuff, repairing stuff?
(SLIDE 5) I knocked a vase off a radiator shelf in our home. It sat on my desk for weeks. Each week I’d work on it trying to get the broken pieces to fit back together. I couldn’t get it anywhere near perfect like it used to be, but it now stands back in our hall and it’s OK.

(SLIDE 6) Sometimes things need putting right that involve people. Relationships get broken, friends fall out, family members upset one another and won’t speak to each other. God who loves us all, always wants us to put things right that go wrong between us and other people. And He wants to help us too!

Here’s a story about how a man fell out with his uncle and how they made up and agreed not to quarrel again.

Jacob and His Uncle Laban

(PowerPoint slides 7 – 13 may be used to tell this story. Alternatively, or as well it would be good to use some visual props. Money bag for wages, fluffy sheep, a few small rocks or stones.
See also images at the bottom of this page - cardboard cut-outs might be used for Jacob / Laban story.)  

(SLIDE 7) When Jacob was young, he fell out with his brother, so he left home and went to live far away with his uncle Laban.
(SLIDE 8) Uncle Laban gave Jacob a job looking after his sheep and agreed Jacob’s wages with him. Jacob worked hard and did very well for his uncle. The years past, and Jacob married uncle Laban’s daughter. However, all did not always go well, as uncle Laban changed Jacob’s pay several times, which didn’t please Jacob at all.

The time came when Jacob had a family of his own and he decided it was time to leave Uncle Laban and head back to where he was born and see his brother again. He discussed this with his uncle and his uncle agreed to settle up and give Jacob his final wages, Uncle Laban would pay Jacob in sheep. But even as Jacob got ready to leave, Uncle Laban deceived him and cheated him out of some of the sheep that should have been part of Jacob’s pay. This made Jacob very angry. Jacob decided to take things into his own hands and he left his uncle secretly and quickly, taking his family and the sheep that he thought rightly belonged to him.

When Uncle Laban found out that Jacob and his family had left without saying goodbye and that he had taken lots of sheep, he was furious. He quickly set off after Jacob.

(SLIDE 9) After travelling for a while, Uncle Laban made camp and settled down for the night knowing that Jacob was now not far away. He was so annoyed and angry, who knows what he had in mind to say when he caught up with Jacob.
(SLIDE 10) But, that night Uncle Laban had a dream, and in the dream, God told him very strongly that he was to be very careful what he said and how he acted towards Jacob. Uncle Laban got up the next morning still very annoyed, but also knowing that God had told him he must be very careful how he treated Jacob.

(SLIDE 11) When Uncle Laban caught up with Jacob the two men had a big argument. But God had spoken to both of them and they came to realise that they had to put things right. They had to forget their past differences and make peace. And they did.
(SLIDE 12) To mark them putting things right between them they built a pillar of stones as a symbol of their making peace. Then, Jacob provided a meal for everyone. And they parted company.

After Laban left Jacob, Jacob went home and put things right with his brother too.
Kids, God wants us to be young people that are always looking to put things right. God wants us to be peacemakers.

(SLIDE 13) When we fall out with each other or get involved in an argument God wants us to always be thinking about how we can be ‘Putting Things Right’.

Maybe you know that something is not right between you and a family member or someone who used to be your friend. Let’s pray now that God will help you to put things right between you.

(SLIDE 14) So there’s our second ‘God Colour’ ‘Putting things right!’



  1. Why should we put things right when they go wrong? (God tells us we must, if we don’t there is unhappiness, lack of peace, unforgiveness.)

  2. How did Jacob and his uncle mark that they had put things right between them? (They made a pillar of stones and Jacob provided a meal for everyone)

  3. What kind of things do you think people do today to make up and put things right? (Say sorry, shake hands, hug, send a note, buy flowers…)


Lead-in Drama script, Bible Chat and Response Time Leaders’ Notes
Week 2 PowerPoint slides

WK2 Other material / ideas

Characters stuck onto cardboard might be used to tell the story of Jacob. Laban and Esau.