Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Supernatural God Intro > ‘Creator’ WK1
Supernatural God
Week 1 - Creator
For Leaders:
PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.
This week in our fun drama lead-in session, Ivor the whacky inventor showcases his first invention, the inflatable zimmer frame. Thomas Edison is transported onto stage and tells us about the invention of the light bulb. And, in Bible chat time we look at God’s power in creation.
SLIDE 1 - ‘Supernatural God’ series theme slide (This is animated) Use this to introduce the series
Use SLIDE 2 - ‘Supernatural God - Creator’ to introduce this session’s theme
Ivor’s inflatable Zimmer Frame and Thomas Edison’s Light Bulb
Narrator, Ivor the Inventor, Urika the Inventor’s assistant, Thomas Edison
* Time machine - Whatever you can come up with to use as a time machine. Use your imagination with regard to your time machine. It may be something proprietary or something you make. As with all props it must be suitable and safe for purpose and not create a hazard for its users or anyone else.
* Workshop - Again, whatever you can use to improvise a workshop setting. [See SLIDE 2a workshop background PowerPoint slide]
* Inflatable Zimmer Frame - (Or some other idea for a fun, whacky invention.)
* Overalls / white coat for Ivor and Urika.
* Sheets to reveal the time machine and other invention.
* Props for Thomas Edison, possibly beard, old style top hat / bowler…
* Duster for Urika
Once upon a time, there lived a young man named Ivor, whose lifelong ambition was to one day become a famous inventor. The only problem was, that he hadn’t, as yet, come up with anything useful but he kept on going, hoping and believing that one day he would invent something that would change the world. Here we find him busy in the workshop with his trusted assistant Urika.
(Ivor arrives in the workshop where Urika is dusting.)
Ivor – I’ve decided to give up working on the time travel machine, I really don’t know why it won’t work, I’ve checked all the wiring and switches, I will have to dismantle it sometime as it’s taking too much room up in the workshop.
Urika – that’s a shame I feel you are so close to making it work.
Ivor - Well instead of wasting my time on that thing, I’ve come up with a great new invention. (Ivor beaming all over his face unveils his invention as he speaks) And, here it is! – an inflatable zimmer frame. It’s very lightweight and can be easily deflated so that you can quickly fit it in a car and take it with you anywhere. What do you think?
Urika – it looks very good but isn’t a Zimmer frame supposed to be strong and help elderly people walk safely? It doesn’t look very strong to me, how can you lean on it without falling over?
(Ivor then tests it and falls over)
Ivor - Oh no, I didn’t think about that! Well, I suppose it’s back to the drawing board. Can you tidy up the workshop for me, I can’t find half my tools. I’ll be in my study not to be disturbed (scratching his head and mumbling) I’ve got to think how I can make it work better (he walks off the stage out of sight).
Urika – I wonder what it must feel like to invent something that really does change the world. (Time machine noise starts) what’s that noise?
Thomas Edison American inventor of the first ‘long life’ electric light bulb (1879) and a coin / medallion celebrating 50 years of sustainable electric light 1879 - 1929. Prior to his invention other scientist around the world had discovered that electricity could produce light but it was Edison’s lamp with a lifetime up to 1,200 hours that provided the first really useful lamp.
(Thomas Eddison stumbles through the door.)
Thomas - where am I, what just happened?’
Urika – you are in Ivor’s workshop, he’s an inventor. Who might I ask are you and how did you get here?
Thomas – My name is Thomas Eddison. I am an inventor too. I really don’t know how I got here. One minute I was just about to sit down to eat my tea and suddenly I found myself in this machine. What year is it?
Urika – it’s 2023.
Thomas – it can’t be 2023, I have come from the year 1879. I can’t believe this. What’s going on?
Urika – so the time machine does work! Wow. Don’t worry I’m sure the machine will get you back home. Tell me what did you invent?
Thomas - Well this is what I invented (he takes out of his pocket a light bulb). It gives light to people everywhere. I hope my invention helped change the world for the better.
Urika - Oh yes your invention really has made an amazing difference. It’s great to just switch on a light when everything is dark.
Thomas – well that’s good to know but I’ve got to be getting back to my time, my tea is getting cold! Give my best wishes to Ivor and I hope he invents something really useful. Now which switch to press…
Urika – I will, it’s been great meeting you, safe journey home.
(Thomas goes through the door as the time machine starts up again.)
Urika – well fancy that, the time machine does work after all. I can hardly believe I’ve met Thomas Eddison, I can’t wait to tell Ivor I bet he won’t believe me (she walks off the stage to go and tell Ivor).
Use SLIDE 4 to remind the kids of this session’s theme ‘Supernatural God - Creator’
* Two balls, a very large one to represent the sun and a much smaller one for the earth. The ball representing the earth could be tennis ball sized and the sun as large a ball as you have or can loan.
* PowerPoint slides provided
We saw earlier how Edison invented the light bulb, which did change the world but we read in the first pages of the Bible in Genesis that it was God who made the sun, moon and stars that gives the world the most amazing light of all. How did God make such wonderful things? He made them because He is supernatural.
(Using the balls (your planets) to demonstrate the earths relationship to the sun.) God’s creation is truly supernaturally amazing. The sun is in exactly the right position perfectly and precisely spaced just the right distance from earth. It’s just close enough to the earth to give us all of the warmth that we need for life and so that we don’t freeze. But it’s also just far enough away so that we don’t burn up. Isn’t that fantastic!
Here are some more amazing sun facts (choose the ones you want to share):
· SLIDE 5 - The Sun is a star found at the centre of the Solar System
· SLIDE 6 - It is around 865,000 miles wide, that’s about 110 times wider than Earth.
· SLIDE 7 - Light from the Sun reaches Earth in around 8 minutes.
· SLIDE 8 - The Sun’s surface temperature is around 5500 degrees Celsius
· SLIDE 9 - The Sun generates huge amounts of energy, which we need in order for life to exist on earth
· SLIDE 10 - 1 million earths could fit into the sun
The sun is the centre of our solar system and it makes everything work. Jesus wants to be the centre of our lives, right in the middle. He makes all of the difference.
SLIDE 11 - God’s power to create is so amazing. He not only made all the stars, sun, planets and the entire solar system He also made every creature on earth, including you and me. God made the tiny ant and the huge whale.
SLIDE 12 - The Bible tells us that God knows when a little sparrow falls to the ground but that we are worth far more to Him than sparrows, He knows how many hairs are on our heads, I don’t know how many I have, do you know how many are on your head? So, since God has created the world that means that with God nothing is impossible.
SLIDE 13 - God is the creator of the whole world. He made it good, very good. And, although He made so much and it’s all so big and incredible, He sees you. You might think you are small and insignificant but to God you are not. You, yes you, are loved by God so very much.
Response Time - small groups
Remind the children that God created human beings and how wonderfully we are made. You may like to create a little true or false quiz to demonstrate just how amazing we are. Some true and false cards (‘T’ on one side ‘F’ on the other) may be made to turn the response time quiz into a small group game.
Since God is so powerful, we can be sure that nothing is impossible with God.
True or false Quiz – You’ll need some true and false questions about the human body. You can get some amazing facts about the human body from the internet. Ask the children the questions, they can turn their card over to the ‘T’ or ‘F’ side according to their guess on the answer. All for fun!
Week 1 - Drama script, Bible chat and response time leaders’ notes
Week 1 - PowerPoint slides