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‘Supernatural God’ (5 week series)

Series Introduction and Overview

Mixing fun and faith, entertaining drama and engaging Bible chats, this five-part series focuses on the supernatural nature of God. Whilst man has achieved some amazing things that have greatly impacted the world, nothing comes close to God’s supernatural power.


Dramas feature Ivor the comical, whacky inventor whose prize project is a time machine. Unfortunately, Ivor just can’t get the machine to work but he does come up with various other crazy ideas, which he demonstrates to his assistant Urika. These silly ideas are really non-starters but they are entertaining. After Ivor reveals his latest invention and realises he has wasted his time, a serious inventor appears in his workshop having been brought through time by Ivor’s time machine. Unfortunately, Ivor is never around to see the time machine actually working or the inventors who arrive from history. Fortunately, Urika his trusted assistant is always there to greet the historical inventors. When told of the visits by Urika, Ivor is never persuaded they actually happened.

Drama’s take place against whatever you can come up with to create, a simple inventor’s workshop background.

The focal point of the stage set is Ivor’s time machine. Ivor’s time machine may be a simple frame made from suitable light weight material, sandwiched between two pieces of cardboard. The header panel might be a piece of packaging from a TV box or similar.

Backdrop / stage feature might include a large piece of cardboard with tools marked onto the same. The cardboard panel may be stood on a table, on which other bits and pieces appertaining to this fun workshop could be placed.

Historical inventors enter the workshop through Ivor’s time machine to a suitable time machine sound effect.

Bible chats

The Bible lessons will feature supernatural events, demonstrating the power and characteristics of God. The last week’s Bible lesson ‘Supernatural God - Powerful’ will bring the series to a fitting climax with the Supernatural raising of Lazarus from the dead.

Response Time

Response time gives opportunity for the children to reflect on the session’s Bible chat in small groups. There is usually a set of questions or an activity for the kids to engage with their group leader.

‘Supernatural God’ - Weekly titles / links