Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Supernatural God Intro > WK4 ‘Miraculous’ > WK5 ‘Powerful’
Supernatural God
Week 5 - Powerful.
For Leaders:
PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.
This week in our fun drama lead-in session, Ivor the whacky inventor showcases his fifth invention, the cup for left-handed people. Wilbur Wright is transported onto stage and tells us about his and his brother’s invention, the aeroplane. And, in the Bible chat, we look at God’s miraculous power to raise the dead.
SLIDE 1 - ‘Supernatural God’ series theme slide (this is animated).
Use SLIDE 2 - ‘Supernatural God - ‘Powerful’ to introduce this week’s theme.
IVOR’S cup for left-handed people and wilbur wright’s Aeroplane
Characters: Narrator, Ivor the Inventor, Urika the Inventor’s assistant, Wilbur Wright
* Time machine - Whatever you can come up with to use as a time machine. Use your imagination with regard to your time machine. It may be something proprietary or something you make. As with all props it must be suitable and safe for purpose and not create a hazard for its users or anyone else.
* Workshop - Again, whatever you can use to improvise a workshop setting. [See SLIDE 3 workshop background PowerPoint slide]
* Ivor’s cup for people who are left-handed. (Above is made from two plastic cups. Velcro on both sides of the finished article facilitates moving of the handle from one side to the other. All a bit silly but lots of fun as Ivor demo’s this to Urika.)
* Stand for cup
* Overalls / white coat for Ivor and Urika.
* Props for Wilbur Wright - possibly beard, overalls, vintage pilot hat, goggles
* Duster for Urika
* Sheet covering to go over this week’s invention cup
Narrator - Today in Ivor’s workshop there appears to be a lot of excitement. Maybe Ivor has at last invented something that will change the world!
Ivor – I think I’ve come up with my greatest invention yet.
Urika – really, well let’s see it then (sounds excited).
Ivor – ta da ... (Ivor pulls the sheet away revealing his latest invention - the cup for left-handed people)
Urika – it’s a cup. I hate to burst your bubble Ivor but I think the cup was invented a long, long time ago.
Ivor – yes, yes, I know that but this is a special cup, it’s for left-handed people. If you happen to be left-handed you can move the handle to the left (Ivor demonstrates with a big beam on his face).
Urika – but Ivor, I have a cup here and I’m right-handed if I turn it around I can use it with my left-hand.
Ivor – well I suppose you’re going to tell me that I haven’t thought it through enough again. You know what, this is the last straw, and I’ve finally decided that I’m not cut out for being an inventor, I’m going fishing! (Ivor looks sad and stomps off the stage out of sight.)
(Time machine music starts up.)
The Wright brother’s first flight was in 1903.
(Time machine music starts up.)
Wilbur – excuse me something really strange just happened where am I?
Urika – you’re in Ivor’s workshop. He’s an inventor. Let me guess you’re an inventor too!
Wilbur – yes I am my name is Wilbur Wright and with my brother Orvile we invented the aeroplane. (Here a model aeroplane might be used or SLIDE 4 may be displayed on screen.)
Urika - Ivor my boss is really fed up, as all his inventions never really work. He has gone fishing, I think he is going to give up being an inventor. But your invention is amazing. You must have been so proud, aeroplanes, really have changed how quickly we can travel around the world.
Wilbur – Yes we were pleased, but tell your friend it wasn’t easy and we made lots of mistakes, at times we wanted to give up but eventually we did it. He mustn’t give up, he needs to keep going.
Urika – thank you I will tell him.
Wilbur – well I’d better be getting back, my wife will be wondering where I’ve got to. How do I get back home? (Time machine music starts and Wilbur returns through the doors).
Urika - just go into the machine it will do the rest.
(Ivor then comes back with a fishing rod / net.)
Ivor – well it’s just not my day I didn’t catch a thing!
Urika –Ivor you’ll never guess but I have just spoken to Wilbur Wright who invented the aeroplane and he said you shouldn’t give up inventing. He made lots of mistakes but kept going and eventually made a machine that would fly like a bird. You know I’ve been thinking, God made the birds and He had no problem making them fly. Isn’t God amazing!
Ivor – yes God is truly amazing Urika. He can do the impossible. Man has made some really great inventions but they don’t come close to all that God has made and all that He can do. I suppose I shouldn’t give up just yet, maybe I’m on the brink of a truly great invention.
Urika – I think you need to try again with the time machine, come on let’s go inside and see what happens.
(They go inside and the time machine noise starts up and Ivor shouts…)
Ivor – I can’t believe it, it works, it really works!! Hurray!
Use SLIDE 5 ‘Supernatural God - Powerful’ to remind the children of this week’s theme.
The session’s Bible chat begins with a video of the raising of Lazarus from the dead and shows that God’s supernatural power can even overcome death. The latter part of the chat brings the ‘Supernatural God’ series to a close inviting the children to follow Jesus themselves.
Supernatural God - Powerful
Lazarus brought back to life - Gospel of John chapter 11 verses 38 – 53
(There is also an alternative PowerPoint version of this story on the Lazarus of Bethany illustrated Bible stories page)
Wow that is an amazing story. Jesus has the power over death. There is nothing that He cannot do. He knew Lazarus had died before anyone had told him and then overcame the power of death, this miracle was supernatural. With God all things are possible.
Jesus too rose from the dead and we remember this when we celebrate Easter. The resurrection of Jesus changed the whole course of history. The world has never seen such a supernatural happening.
Over the last few weeks, we have looked at some rather silly inventions and some really good inventions that man has made, ones that have changed the world, like medicine, which has saved many lives, but nothing comes close to the supernatural power of God. With man, as we have seen some things are possible but with God all things are possible. We have looked at how Jesus created the universe and controlled nature, multiplied food, healed the blind and brought people back to life that had died. Our God is amazing, He is supernatural and loves you and me so very much.
Jesus can be trusted, He is good and kind. He knows your name and He cares about you. He wants to be the greatest friend to you . Friends help one another, listen to one another, look out for one another and talk to one another. We’re going to talk to Jesus right now - He wants to be your special friend if you will ask Him.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, I want to live my life with you as my special friend. Please help me every day to live how You want me to, loving You and loving other people as well. Please come into my life and be my light.
Response Time
Over the last 5 weeks we have looked at how God is supernatural He can do what is impossible for us to do.
Give the children the hand out sheet for the verse ‘With God all things are possible’ Matthew chapter 19 verse 26 to colour as you recap the stories we have looked at.
Ask if the children have anything they would like you to pray about and remind them of God’s love and power.
Week 5 - Drama script, Bible chat and response time leaders’ notes
Week 5 - PowerPoint slides
Week 5 - Response time colouring sheet ‘With God all things are possible’