Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Supernatural God Intro > WK3 ‘Provider’ > WK4 ‘Miraculous’

Supernatural God

Week 4 - Miraculous

For Leaders:

PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.

This week in our fun drama lead-in session, Ivor the whacky inventor showcases his third invention, the shower mic. Robert Thompson is transported onto stage and tells us about his invention, the pneumatic tyre.
In Bible the chat we look at God’s power over creation - the miraculous catch of fish. (Luke 5 verses 5 - 11)


SLIDE 1 - ‘Supernatural God’ series theme slide (this is animated). Use this to introduce the series
Use SLIDE 2 - ‘Supernatural God - Miraculous’ to introduce this week’s theme


IVOR’S shower mic AND robert thompsons pneumatic tyre


* Time machine -
Whatever you can come up with to use as a time machine.

Use your imagination with regard to your time machine. It may be something proprietary or something you make. As with all props it must be suitable and safe for purpose and not create a hazard for its users or anyone else.

* Workshop - Again, whatever you can use to improvise a workshop setting. [See SLIDE 3 workshop background PowerPoint slide]
* Sponge shower mic - coloured black at top (or some other idea for a fun, whacky invention).
* Overalls / white coat for Ivor and Urika.
* Props for Alexander Robert Thompson - possibly beard, old style top hat / bowler… plus something to depict pneumatic tyre invention.
* Duster for Urika


Invention - Shower Mic

Narrator - Here we are again in Ivor’s workshop. All seems quiet but not for long! (Ivor comes bounding on the stage with Urika following).
Ivor – At last I think I’ve come up with a good invention.

Urika – what is it this time?

Ivor – well it’s this – ta-da! (he proudly holds up the shower mic)

Urika – it looks like a microphone.

Ivor – yes, it is but it’s not the usual sort, it’s a microphone for when you want to sing in the shower! (Ivor then eccentrically mimics a singer with the mic. He then goes on to say) I it’s made from sponge so it doesn’t matter if it gets wet (beam on his face).

Urika – so does it make your voice louder?

Ivor – well no, it doesn’t.

Urika – but I thought, that is what microphones are supposed to do?

Ivor – what’s great about this is when you are singing you can wash yourself with the mic (Ivor mimics washing himself whilst singing). La… de da, de da… Do you think it will catch on?

Urika – I’m not sure but keep going and you might one day come up with a brilliant invention!

Ivor – so, another invention that’s no good! I’m off to my study and I’m not to be disturbed. I felt sure that this one would be a winner. Oh well it’s back to the drawing board (Ivor moves off the stage out of sight).

(Time machine noise starts.)

Urika – There’s that noise again and Ivor isn’t here!

(Robert Thomson stumbles through the door.)

Robert – where am I? Who are you?

Urika – you are in Ivor’s workshop, he’s an inventor, and who might I ask are you?

Robert – My name is Robert Thompson. I was in my workshop a moment ago, how did I get here?

Urika – oh don’t worry about it, it will be fine. I don’t suppose you are an inventor?

Robert - well yes, I am actually and it so happens that I have what I invented in the time machine (goes and proudly brings out a tyre, enthusiastically says) I invented the first rubber pneumatic tyre! It revolutionised travel for the world. A tyre is inflated with air and the rubber is strong enough to carry the weight of a car or bicycle.

Urika – that was a great invention, an inflatable tyre, and I have to say much better than a shower mic! Ivor just doesn’t seem to get anywhere with his inventions. Thank you so much for coming.

Robert – that’s my pleasure but I must get back now it’s getting late I’m in the middle of another invention at the moment. Give my best wishes to Ivor and I hope he sorts out his problems. Now how do I get back home?

Urika - Oh just go back into the time machine it will do the rest, at least that’s what happened with our other visitors! (He returns to the time machine as the noise starts.)

Urika – What a great invention and it really did change the world of transport forever. I can’t wait to tell Ivor about it but I know he won’t believe me (Urika moves off the stage in search of Ivor).

PART 2  


Miraculous catch of fish Luke 5 verses 5 - 11

For Leaders:

Use SLIDE 5 to Remind the kids of this week’s theme ‘Supernatural God - Miraculous’

There are many ways this story might be told to the children. One would be to tell it using a mock-up boat, fishing net and some fake fish. Boat might be a cardboard cut-out or a few chairs appropriately placed. [See props section for more images]
Another way might be to use the set of PowerPoint slides at the bottom of this page.


A couple of weeks ago we saw how God created the sun, moon, stars and all the living creatures. Today, we are going to look at how Jesus has MIRACULOUS power over His creation.

Our story starts on the shore of the sea of Galilee. Here we find a guy named Peter and his friends, James, John and Andrew, they had a fishing business together. Each night they would go out fishing and bring their catch in. Then they would wash the fish, clean their nets and go off to the market and sell the fish they had caught.

One day as Peter and his friends were mending their nets after a night out on the sea, Jesus was down at the sea shore too, talking to a great crowd of people.

The people were so wanting to hear Jesus that they pressed against one another, pushing one another nearer and nearer the sea! At the same time, Jesus, looking across the beach could see Peter and his friends and their boats and He had an idea. Suddenly, Jesus called to Peter and asked him if he would push his boat out into the water, so that he could carry on speaking to the people from the boat. Peter obliged and soon Jesus was in Peter’s boat talking to the people, gathered along the shoreline.

When Jesus had finished speaking, He told Peter and his friends to take the boat out to deeper water and let down their nets for a catch of fish.

“Jesus”, Peter replied “We’ve already been out all night and caught absolutely nothing. Not a single fish! But if You say so, we’ll do it.”

You see, Peter and his friends were experienced fishermen. They knew when the weather was right, when the sea was right, whether they should fish at night or day. They’d picked the night because it was the best time and they’d caught nothing. They now knew that there was no chance of finding any fish that day.

But, because Jesus was asking them to launch out for a catch, they did it anyway.

They let down their nets probably thinking that it was all a waste of time. Do you know, as they started pulling in their nets up, they had a problem, suddenly the nets were absolutely bulging with fish. They were so full that they began to tear. They called to their friends to come and help pull in their catch. The humongous catch of fish filled both boats. The boats were so full of fish that just a few more fish would have sunk them!

Peter was amazed, gobsmacked. What had happened was MIRACULOUS. This miracle made Peter realise that Jesus was no ordinary person and that day Peter and his friends decided to become Jesus’ helpers and follow Him. Jesus told Peter that he would no longer catch fish but that he would be able to help Jesus spread the Good News of God’s love to the people they met on their travels.

God is supernatural, He does MIRACULOUS things. Peter had seen a terrific miracle that day and he went on to see many other miracles as he followed Jesus.

PowerPoint story telling option (PP downloadable from bottom of this page)

Response Time

Draw on a large piece of paper the outline of a fish or the fish image opposite may be printed large size to A3. Ask the children for key words that they can remember from the story and write them inside the fish then recap the main points. Examples of words, Peter, nets, fishermen, miracle, James, John, Andrew, Galilee, humongous, fish, nothing, boat, amazed.

Remind the children that Jesus performs miracles today and share with them one that you have experienced or know about.


Week 4 - Drama script, Bible chat and response time notes
Week 4 - PowerPoint slides
Week 4 - Response time fish outline - you may like to print this to A3 size
Week 4 - Miraculous catch of fish PowerPoint slides