Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Supernatural God Intro > WK1‘Creator’ > WK2 ‘Healer’

Supernatural God

Week 2 - Healer

God’s Power to Heal

For Leaders:

PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.

This week in our fun drama lead-in session, Ivor the whacky inventor showcases his second invention, the inflatable dart board. Alexander Fleming is transported onto stage and tells us about the invention of Penicillin. And, in the Bible chat time we look at God’s power to heal.


SLIDE 1 - ‘Supernatural God’ series theme slide (this is animated)
Use SLIDE 2 - ‘Supernatural God - Healer’ to introduce this session’s theme



Characters: Narrator, Ivor the Inventor, Urika the Inventor’s assistant, Alexander Fleming
* Time machine -
Whatever you can come up with to use as a time machine. Use your imagination with regard to your time machine. It may be something proprietary or something you make. As with all props it must be suitable and safe for purpose and not create a hazard for its users or anyone else.
* Workshop - Again whatever you can use to improvise a workshop setting. [See SLIDE 3 workshop background PowerPoint slide]
* Inflatable Dart Board - Rubber ring with cardboard score disc in the middle (or some other idea for a fun, whacky invention).
* Overalls / white coat for Ivor and Urika.
* Sheets to reveal Ivor’s invention.
* Props for Alexander Fleming - possibly beard, old style top hat / bowler… plus old-style medicine bottle or similar.
* Duster for Urika

Narrator – well here we are again at Ivor’s workshop, I wonder what he is working on now. I hope he has more success this time.

Ivor – Good morning, Urika. Last night I had a brainwave and I’ve come up with a new invention. I admit that the inflatable Zimmer frame wasn’t that brilliant, but this inflatable is. (Ivor unveils the inflatable dartboard) Ta Da... ‘what do you think?’ It’s light in weight, colourful and can be hung anywhere and if it falls off the wall it won’t break your toe! (Beam on his face).

Urika  - Well it does look good but have you thought what will happen when a dart with a point is thrown at it? I was playing darts last night with my brother and I just happen to have a dart in my pocket, shall we test it?

Ivor looks at the point of the dart then the board, then the dart again, then the board.

Ivor – well I err...  oh, okay it’s not going to work, is it? Back to the drawing board I suppose. It’s just not my day, is it?

Urika  - I’m sorry Ivor but you still haven’t thought it through enough have you? Why don’t you go back to working on the time machine, last week it really did work.

Ivor – Now I don’t want to hear any more about the time machine and people stumbling out of it, it just wastes my precious time. I’m going to my study to think more about this dartboard and I’m not to be disturbed!

(Time machine noise starts.)

(Alexander Fleming stumbles through the door.)

Urika – not again!

Alexander – where am I? What just happened?

Urika – You are in Ivor’s workshop, he’s an inventor, and who might I ask are you?

Alexander – My name is Alexander Fleming. I’m an inventor too but how did I get here, a moment ago I was in my laboratory. This is weird am I dreaming?

Urika – No you’re not dreaming, don’t worry about it. The time machine will take you back home. What did you invent?

Alexander – well I developed a medicine called penicillin that saved millions of lives all around the world.

Urika – wow, that is amazing. Thank you so much for working so hard to find a cure for diseases. Your invention really did change the world. I wish Ivor could invent something that would change the world.

Alexander – It did take a lot of hard work but it was all worth it. It’s been lovely to be with you but I must return to my own time, as I’m about to be given the Nobel prize, which is a great honour.

Urika – it certainly is! Enjoy the ceremony, you deserve it.

(Time machine noise starts, and Alexander returns to the time machine.)

Urika – I can’t wait to tell Ivor about Alexander, why is he never around when this time machine works! (Urika walks off the stage.)

PART 2  


Supernatural God - Healer

SLIDE 5 may be used to remind children of this week’s theme.

Gospel of John chapter 9 v 1 – 39

Props – bowl of mud and a bowl of water

Jesus heals a man who was born blind.

One day when Jesus was going through one of the villages, he met a man who had been born blind. He wanted to help him. Jesus gathered up some clay from the ground and spat on it to make mud and then He covered the man’s eyes with it. It must have felt really strange to the man. Here I have some mud from my garden just imagine putting some of this on your eyes! Do I have a volunteer, only joking. Jesus then told him to go and wash his face in a pool of water (hold up the bowl of clean water). The man did exactly what Jesus said and as soon as he had washed the mud off his eyes, he could see everything clearly.

Just imagine how that must have felt. Because he was born blind it meant that he had never seen the sun, trees, his Mum and Dad, or his friends. Now for the first time in his life he could see these wonderful things. Up to then his life was one of darkness. He returned so happy and amazed at what had happened. People then quizzed him, disbelieving the miracle but nothing is impossible for God who made eyes in the first place.

The man not only received his sight but he also came to believe that Jesus is the son of God. He had found a true friend in Jesus. His life was never the same again. How awesome is that!

Do you know kids, not only does God have the power to heal physically, He can heal much more. God has the power to heal hurts, broken hearts, parts of life that get into a mess. He wants to bring peace, love and joy to all.

PT3 - Response time

Ask the children to close their eyes tightly for a moment and imagine what life must have been like for the blind man. We take for granted our sense of seeing but this man had never ever seen anything.

On the big piece of paper ask the children to draw things the blind man would have seen for the first time

He not only was healed of blindness but he also saw Jesus for who He was, the Son of God. His eyes were opened but also his heart was opened. Jesus has the supernatural power to heal today.


Week 2 - Drama script, Bible chat and response time leaders’ notes
Week 2 - PowerPoint slides