Home > Teaching > Individual Bible chats > Themed Specials > Special (no 1) The Greatest Treasure > Special (no 2) ‘Wacky Races’ drama and ‘Winners’ Bible Chat

SLIDE 1 - Wacky Races event slide.
Full PowerPoint for this material downloadable from bottom of this page.

Themed Special (no 2)

Wacky Races
Race Day Drama


WINNERS - Bible Chat
The Race of Faith

For Leaders:

PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.

This themed special is aimed at providing material for a one-off event having a race / sporty theme. A fun and entertaining drama - ‘Race-Day’ introduces the theme. The Bible chat - ‘Winners’ outlines how we are all winners with Jesus, who wants to be our coach, friend and guide in our daily lives - ‘The Race of Faith’.
You may like to add your own games, song and some kind of craft to provide a complete programme around a sports / races theme.
NOTE: The drama is written for adult team members only to perform. Both characters are intended to move around the course slowly but in a fun way that depicts their differing characters. So, exaggerated animated motions for the hare and docile movements for the tortoise.

The hare and the tortoise. Figures mounted on an appropriate backing and mounting pole.

Race Day Drama

The race between the hare and the tortoise.
The hare is fast but the tortoise is steady and determined, who will win the coveted trophy for this, the finale of ‘Wacky Races’ race day?

Start, finish and finishing flag add to the fun.

Start, finish and finishing flag add to the fun.

The Race Course:

The drama will require some kind of course for the two competitors. It might be a single lap around your hall or a number of smaller laps up front. Whatever is opted for the competitors the run of the race needs to be viewable for all of the children. The race course detailed here is 3 laps up front and includes using a stage, with steps on two sides but your course should be tailored to suit facilities available.

Harry the Hare
Tommy the Tortoise
Puppet spectator(s)
Race Commentator (RC)
Race-day spectators
Race adjudicator / lap counter (RA)
News reporter

Props ideas:
Hare and tortoise cut-outs on some kind of tube or pole to enable characters to be held up and visible to all watching.
Bunting & decoration for fun race day atmosphere, fanfare music, horns, rattles… start and finish flags, lap counter / white board, adjudicator’s whistle, reporter’s microphone, a couple of seats along the course, which Harry will take advantage of during the race. 

Optional race day ‘fancy dress’ for all leaders, bonnets, hats, animal costume or competitor’s attire…

(To create a kind of carnival atmosphere if possible and practical.)

Scene set:

Two competitors line up at the start line ready to begin the race. The tortoise is bashful as they await the start, the hare looking confident punches the air as if they’ve already won. The spectators toot their horns and swing their rattles. (spectators could have homemade banners) The race adjudicator is poised with the start sign.

Both competitors will move slowly around the course, Harry the hare in a kind of energetic exaggerated jog style Tommy Tortoise in consistent plod style.

Intro FOR Kids:

At the beginning of the event and before the race day drama commences introduce the event to the kids. If you are linking this session to some topical sporting event or occasion you may like to mention this in your intro.

KIDS, our theme for this evening is ‘WINNERS’ and shorty we are going to see a bit of a Wacky Race let’s see who wins.

The race commentary and drama begins

Race Commentator (RC)
Well isn’t it so exciting at this grand final race today. Our two competitors are all set to go. In lane 1 we have Harry the hare and in lane 2 Tommy Tortoise (Harry punches the air looking confident and Tommy smiles). Everyone here today is expecting this to be an easy win for Harry the hare and he does seem to be in fine form.

The time has come, we’re under starters orders.

Race Adjudicator (RA)
OK competitors are you ready, steady – (the RA then blows the whistle whilst holding the start sign up in the air).

Throughout the race the spectators cheer using their rattles and horns particularly when one contestant overtakes the other...   

RC: (LAP 1)
And they’re off on the first lap and straightway Harry hare goes into the lead, Harry seems very confident of a win here. Tommy tortoise is off to a slow but steady start. It’s Harry who gets to the steps first and he’s up on stage. Tommy follows on behind but wait Harry has stopped for a quick rest and yes Tommy who isn’t stopping is passing Harry. Harry doesn’t seem to be put out and after a short break, Harry is back on his feet after Tommy. Tommy has got to the next steps first, so Harry is having to wait but now they are both down the steps and Harry is looking to overtake Tommy and get into the lead once more. As they finish the first lap it’s still Harry out in front.

RC: (LAP 2)
So here we are into the second lap and again Harry is out in front. Harry is still having an energetic race as he starts up the steps. Oh and Harry’s stopped again this time to tie his shoelaces and Tommy has again passed him. Tommy is still slower than Harry but he’s having a steady race and once again Tommy is heading for the steps. Yes, Tommy has made it to the bottom of the steps and has just gone into the last lap. How exciting is this. Harry has now sorted his shoes out and is making his way across the stage and down the steps. Tommy is still out in front but here comes Harry trying to catch Tommy up.

RC: (LAP 3)
Tommy is just in front but Harry has passed him on the straight. Harry is half way across the stage now, surely he will win, yes looks like Harry will be the winner but no, wait Harry has stopped again, this time to buy a drink, surely not at this late stage, oh my, Tommy has once again passed Harry and is making his way down the steps, and Harry is frantically trying to catch Tommy up. It’s going to be a tight finish but unbelievably, yes it is Tommy who goes through the finishing flag first and Tommy just can’t believe it. (As Tommy goes through the finish line the supporters cheer.)
So Tommy the tortoise is the winner of today’s grand finale of this year’s ‘Whacky Races’. Over to the reporter now who is going to talk to our two contestants.

So Harry what happened?

I just don’t know, I don’t get it. I thought I’d win this easy. Overconfidence I reckon. I still can’t believe I have lost.

Tommy, any comment?

Nothing much to say really. To be honest I didn’t come along today to win. I just wanted to get to the finish. Just complete the race, you know, Harry is much better at this than me and that’s OK but I just wanted to get to the end.

So there we have it folks. A shock result but Tommy tortoise takes the cup!

More cheers from the spectators

Summing Up

Well kids that was quite a race and Tommy winning was quite unexpected. In life it’s not so important to come first or be the at the top but just to plod along doing your best. Tommy didn’t set out to win, he just wanted to finish and he got quite a surprise. Later we’re going to hear about another race, a very special race where everyone gets to be a winner.

‘WINNERS’ - Bible Chat (The Race of Faith)                                      

SLIDE 2 - ‘Winners’ Theme slide

The aim of the Bible chat is to demonstrate to the kids that we are all winners when we live our lives trusting Jesus. We’re all loved and treated exactly the same, there are no favourites, or should we say, we’re all favourites, every single one of us. None of us is better than the other, we are all special to Jesus and He wants us all to know Him and be guided, helped, loved and coached throughout our lives by Him.

Chat for Kids.

(You may like to ask one of the team members to act out the next part, Eric Liddell’s race, as you tell the story. Alternatively, if you like, you may like to do this yourself as you tell the story.)

Kids this evening’s theme is called ‘Winners’

SLIDE 3 - Eric Liddell

Earlier we saw the race between the hare and tortoise and unexpectedly the tortoise won.

I’m not a one for races I didn’t like races at school at all. But here’s a story about a race I love. It’s a story about a famous Scottish athlete called Eric Liddell. (SLIDE 3)

Around 100 years ago Eric Liddell was running in an important race. Eric was fast, very fast. The race started and Eric was off like lightening, but only a few seconds later a disaster happened, the guy running next to Eric accidently bumped into him knocking Eric over. Eric lay on the floor thinking that the race was now over for him, but down the track he could see one of the race officials waving at him, encouraging Eric to get up. Suddenly, Eric sprang to his feet and started running again. The other runners were some way in front, it seemed impossible now to think that he could win the race. But as Eric ran, he just seemed to get faster and faster. Soon he caught up with some of the other runners. The crowd were shouting and very excited as they saw Eric catch the others up but could he get out front and win? Nearing the end of the race Eric zoomed out in front and with an incredible burst of speed he passed the finish line in first place.

Eric’s race that day was said to have been one of the greatest races of all time.
Eric became an amazing athlete and soon after that race Eric won a gold medal in the 1924 Olympic games. 100 years ago.


But do you know kids, Eric was running another race too not with his legs to see how fast he could go but with his whole life. He was running a race for Jesus.

The Bible has a lot to say about how life is like a race. Sometimes life feels tough, hard, it’s easy to feel like giving up, but like the tortoise in our drama we need to plod on. Sometimes things just don’t seem to go right – Jesus wants to help us, He’s right beside us, we can call out to Him for help. Sometimes we get frustrated, annoyed – Jesus can bring us peace and joy if we will ask Him.  

(SLIDE 4) Can you tell me who the guy on the left is in this picture. Yes, he’s the coach. What does a coach do? He helps people train, get fit, he teaches them how to play. All athletes and sports players have one of these. They have to trust their coach.  

Jesus was Eric’s special coach. Eric trusted Jesus to show him the best way to live his life. Jesus wants to be your coach and best friend too. The best way to run the race of life is with Jesus.   

(SLIDE 5 ) Eric knew that the best way to live his life was with Jesus. Eric went over 4000miles to the other side of the world to China to tell people there the Good News that Jesus loved them very much. Although things were sometimes difficult for Eric, he never stopped trusting for Jesus.

Eric won races and was an amazing athlete, he was a winner. But far more to Eric than being an athlete was his trust in Jesus. Eric had a very special message to give, and it’s the same message I want to give to you today. You see we’ve been talking about winners this evening and I want to announce some very special winners right now, so here we go:

(SLIDE 6) So, I’m finishing this evening by saying “And the winners are…”


We’re all winners with Jesus if we will just let Him walk beside us in life, be our coach and our best friend. That’s fantastic isn’t it. I may not have been very good at sport or athletics but I can be a winner with Jesus. Jesus wants to be your friend; He wants to guide you and show you the best way to live life. Do you want Jesus to be your coach, to help you in life? Sometimes life is not easy but Jesus wants to help you.

Jesus has no special favourites cause we’re all His favourites. Jesus loves us all, each and every one of us exactly the same and wow does He love us. Jesus loves you and me – that’s terrific, yeah.

If you want Jesus to be your friend and coach you can ask Him right now.
Let’s pray’.

Dear Lord Jesus, we want you to be our friend, coach and guide and help us live how you would want us to. Help us to be good and kind, and to do what is right. Help us to love You and other people too.
Thank You Jesus for loving me.


Drama script and Bible Chat Leaders’ Notes
PowerPoint to accompany Material