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‘Who Am I’ series
Ed’s adventures around Hope Island
There is a set of PowerPoint slides for week 4 to accompany this week’s theme intro, lead-in session drama and teaching material.
PowerPoint, Leaders; notes and other items downloadable from the bottom of this webpage.
SLIDE 1 - May be used to remind the kids that we are looking at the “Who Am I?” series, where Jesus is answering that question.
Kids In our new series ‘Who Am I?’ Jesus uses everyday words and objects to help us understand who He is and what He is like.
SLIDE 2 - As we said last week sometimes words or objects are used to describe what people are like. This week in our ‘Who am I’ series Jesus is saying “I am the Bread of Life”. Now that’s a strange thing to say isn’t it. We’ll find out more about that later, let’s look at our drama and see if anything about bread pops up.
SLIDE 3 - Ed’s map showing his progress and position as he comes into Breadwortrh.
Outline for Leaders
This week Ed visits Breadworth, he gets lost trying to find his way through the town and stops to get directions in Mill Street. After knocking on the door of someone who proves to be unhelpful, the local policeman passes and points Ed to the baker’s shop where he says Ed will find one very obliging baker. The baker is only too pleased to give Ed directions to get back on the right track. Ed is also able to get some fresh bread from the baker, as he has run out of supplies.
Parts, props, sound effects:
Bakers shop – The baker's shop may be a table with a table cloth, a hand written or printed 'Bakery' sign could be stuck to the front of the table.
Policeman / policewoman - Police persons hat and boots if available
Mrs Jones - The unhelpful resident
SLIDE 4 - The path out of the woods
SLIDE 5 - The Path heading into Breadworth
Ed – kitted out with back pack, rope, water bottle, guide book, walking stick, boots, cap
Baker – Chef's hat if available, chef's apron, bread basket, bakery shop and sign
Drama PowerPoint slides:
SLIDE 3 - Ed’s progress map
SLIDES 4 & 5 - Path out of the wood and on to Breadworth village
Stage set pic’s below with mock-up baker/s kiosk centre stage, painted sheet backdrops, cardboard house doors and interchangeable signpost. Many of the items in the pictures are used over and over again in different ways in other dramas of Impact Kids themed series.
REMEMBER don’t be put off if you do not have recourses to produce the kind of things seen below. Simple alternative set-ups will suffice and whatever you come up with, children will use their imagination.
Free standing props – Signpost to BREADWORTH - this could be printed off the computer, hand written or even written on a white board or flip chart.
(See printable sign downloads at bottom of this page.)
Sound Effects – (1) Out of doors background noise birds singing etc. for when Ed is walking (2) Street background noise for Breadworth.
Ed meets the Baker in Breadworth
Narrator: (SLIDE 3) Well, here we are again picking up with Ed, he’s now half way round Hope Island, Ed’s had such a good time so far, I wonder who he will meet today.
(SLIDES 4 and 5) - He has just come out of the woods and is on the path into Breadworth. Yes, he’s coming into the village right now and has arrived at Mill Street but I must say Ed looks a bit lost. He’s looking over his map and seems very puzzled.
Ed: You’re absolutely right, I am quite lost but I’m sure someone in this street can help. I need to buy some supplies in Breadworth, but also, I need to know the road out to Full-Life.
Narrator: Ed is knocking on a door, looks like there’s no one in. Oh, Ed’s trying another door now.
(Mrs Jones answers the door.)
The bakery in Breadworth. This may be a simple sign on a table. Here painted cardboard pieces have been attached to kiosk frame, see backdrops showcase for more kiosk pictures.
Mrs Jones: And what might you want?
Ed: Ur well, I’m lost would you be able to direct me to the right road to Full-Life please?
Mrs Jones: Well why would you want to go there? What’s wrong with Breadworth, not got enough for you to do here, huh. Anyway, I don’t know anything about public foot paths, I need to get back to my TV programme.
(Mrs Jones goes back into her house and shuts the door.)
Narrator: Oh dear, no joy with Mrs Jones but wait, someone else is coming , it’s the local policeman (policewoman), surely, they can give Ed a hand to get back on track. The policeman (woman) is pointing across the street to the bakery.
Police person: Yes, so you see I’m new around here, just finding my feet, learning the area so I’m not exactly sure how to direct you best. But, the Baker over there has lived in Breadworth a long time. I’m sure they will be able to point you to the right path.
Ed: Thanks very much, I’ll try the baker.
See bottom of this page for printable bakery sign.
Narrator: Oh, what’s Ed up to now, he’s checking his backpack.
Ed: Yep, I’ve got things to go on a sandwich for the next part of the journey, but no bread. So, I’m off to the right place.
Narrator: Ed has now crossed the road to the baker, and they are having a conversation. Yes, the baker is pointing and moving his arms about, I think Ed’s got the directions and knows where he’s off to next.
Ed.: Thanks, actually I needed to get some supplies. I’d like some bread rolls please.
Baker: Yes, that’s no problem ED. That’ll be £1.50 - that is unless...
Ed: Might that be unless I have a ticket from the gatekeeper?
Narrator: Ed hands his ticket to the baker who is now tearing off the next token. Ed’s ticket is getting quite small now. So, with bread rolls safely in his backpack and on the right trail, Ed is setting off for Full-Life.
Scripture reference for Leaders
John 6 v 35 (NLT) Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.''
Bible Chat
Remind the children of today’s theme using slide 7 - Jesus is asking the question “Who Am I” – and His reply “I Am the Bread of Life”.
So today we are looking at another way in which Jesus describes himself. He said that He is the bread of life. Now that’s a strange thing to say but let’s think about bread.
SLIDE 8 - Can you tell me the names of some different kinds of bread? Bread is what we call a staple part of most of people’s diet. That means that a lot of people see bread as an important food to eat. What can we do with bread?
Sandwiches, pizza, bread and butter pudding, naan bread, have it with soups and dips.
SLIDE 9 - So, bread feeds our physical body, helping us grow, giving us strength and energy. But there is another part of us that needs feeding too. We call this our inner self or soul. This is the part of us that receives love and also forgiveness when we do something wrong. It’s also the part of us that feels comfort from a family member or friend and joy on a good day. Jesus wants to feed our soul. He wants to bless our inner self.
SLIDE 10 - Jesus also said something else about bread, He said that people shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. You see knowing and following the teachings of Jesus feeds who we are, it feeds our mind and heart. That is why Jesus called himself the bread of life. If we have Jesus in our lives we have real life, the life God wants us to have.
SLIDE 11 - The Bible also says these words found in John 1 chapter 5 verse 12, ‘He or she that has Jesus has life and he or she that does not have Jesus does not have life. ‘
So, if we ignore Jesus as we grow up we will truly miss out on so much. Things like real love, peace, hope, forgiveness and contentment. We will fill our lives with things to try and make us happy but God offers us life to the full, found in following His son Jesus.
SLIDE 12 - Next time you eat a sandwich, think about Jesus’ words that He is the bread of life. He wants to give you and me life abundantly but we have to decide to give Him our lives, in order to have true life. Now there’s something to think about.
part 3 Response time (in small groups)
Why did Jesus use everyday objects to describe Himself to us?
Put into your own words why Jesus called Himself The Bread of Life.
How many ways can you think of that Jesus can help us in our daily lives?
Week 4 PP slides
Week 4 drama script, Bible chat & response time Leaders’ notes
Bakery sign
‘Come on in we’re OPEN’ sign