Slide 1 - Series theme slide

Home > Teaching > Themed Series > ‘Who Am I’ Intro > Week 1 > Week 2 > Week 3 > Week 4 > Week 5 ‘I Am The Life’

‘Who Am I’ series      
    Ed’s adventures around Hope Island


There is a set of PowerPoint slides for week 5 to accompany the theme intro, lead-in session drama and this week’s teaching material.
PowerPoint, Leaders notes and other items downloadable from the bottom of this webpage.

Slide 1 may be used to remind the kids that we are doing the “Who Am I?” series where Jesus is answering that question.

SLIDE 2 - Hey kids do you know what a transformer is? A transformer is something that changes from one thing into something else. Look at this. (Mini film clip robot changes to a car and back)
Here’s a couple of transformers, can you tell what happens to them, how they transform into something else.
Slide 3 – caterpillar
Slide 4 – to butterfly
Slide 5 – tadpole
Slide 6 – to frog






Slide 7 – Well today we are talking about how Jesus is a life transformer and later we’ll hear how He changes lives.
But first of all, let’s see our drama and catch up with what Ed is up to today.


Slide 8 - Week 5 map - Ed is on his way to Full-Life his journey progress is shown by the red arrow symbol.

Outline for Leaders

Ed is moving on to Full-Life this week. Once again, there's someone trying to take him off course, this time it's a ferryman who wants to lure Ed into taking his ferry across the lake, instead of Ed walking the path in the guide book. Ed falls for this at first but quickly changes his mind as things on board the ferry start to go wrong.         

Parts, props, sound effects:

Characters: Ed, Narrator, Ferryman, roadside drinks-seller

Props: Bucket, cardboard boat outline to stand behind (improvise regarding your boat with chairs… if needs be), some bottles of water. 

Drama PowerPoint slides:
Ed’s progress map
SLIDE 9 - Lakeside background view

Cardboard boat, see ‘Ideas for Props’ for more pictures

Sound Effects: Boat chugging noise 

Ed gets into deep water

Narrator: (SLIDE 8) Hi kids, we’re on the trail with Ed again today. We can see Ed’s progress on the Hope Island map.
Hi Ed, how’s it going?

Ed: Great thanks, off to Full-Life, really enjoying Hope Island, great place, so glad I found this guide book – must get on, need to be in Full-Life by this afternoon, speak to you later.

Slide 9 - Lakeside background picture for drama

Narrator: (SLIDE 9) Thanks Ed. So, Ed is on his way to Full-Life, he’s checked the map and needs to head for a bridge at the end of the Lake. Looks like there’s a ferry crossing but that’s not the route on the map. Oh, what’s going on now? The ferryman is calling Ed across, he’s offering Ed a ride but Ed is telling the ferryman that he needs to stick to the guide.

Oh, maybe not, the ferryman is explaining the ferry crossing is a new route, it’s quicker and more enjoyable scenery from the boat than walking. Now Ed’s up for it, he hesitated to start with but it seems that he is going to take the ferry after all.

Ed: Thanks, I do like boats so this will make a change from walking. I notice it’s £4 to cross on the ferry. Don’t suppose you’ll take my ticket, will you?

Ferryman: Ticket, what ticket is that? No sorry mate, we don’t do vouchers or freebies with cornflakes. Four pounds, but since it’s your first time I’ll let you go for £2.00 – how’s that?

Narrator: Ed is looking a bit puzzled, he’s thinking it’s a bit strange that the ferryman won’t accept his ticket and actually he doesn’t know this guy at all. But it seems he’s taken the ferryman’s offer of £2, they’re off and away.

(Sound effect - chugging noise of the boat’s engine)

Ferryman: Just got three stops around the lake before yours. 

Ed: He...y, wait a minute, you said you were going straight across to Full-Life!

Ferryman: We....ll, I am, well kind of – you know in a roundabout way but it won’t take a jiffy, just need to pick up a few more paying passengers.

Ed: You said you were going straight across to Full-Life and that’s what I needed and what’s this water coming into your boat?

Download cold drinks sign from the bottom of this page.

Narrator: The ferryman is passing Ed a bucket and telling him he can bail the water out, Ed’s bailing but wait, he’s having no more of it, Ed’s going to get out of the boat. The ferryman is protesting that the water is too deep and Ed can’t but... (splash). Ed’s out and wading back to shore. He’s back on shore now, a bit wet but OK. I think Ed is annoyed with himself. Are you ED?

Ed: Yes, I still haven’t learned my lesson. I should have kept on the path but I’m on the path now.  Anyway, I’m very thirsty so need to get a drink, oops I’ve run out of water, speak later.

Narrator: Ed is very close to Full-Life now. There’s someone selling drinks at the side of the road. Ed is having a chat. Yes! He can get a drink with his ticket! So, Ed is happy after all and will be keeping a closer look on the old guide book in future.

SLIDE 10 - Listen Up Time

PART 2  



SLIDE 11 - The potter

Scripture reference for Leaders
John 5 v 28 (GNB) “Just as the Father is Himself the source of life, in the same way He has made His Son the source of life.'‘

Slide 11 - Hi Kids have any of you ever spun a pot on the wheel. The potter takes an ordinary lump of clay and transforms it into a beautiful pot, vase or other item.

Well today Jesus is saying “I am the life Transformer” Transformers change things, so what does Jesus change? Jesus changes us! He changes our lives on the inside. If we ask Him, He comes into our lives and helps us to live God’s way.

Just like a potter takes an ordinary lump of clay and turns it into something beautiful, Jesus wants to make our lives into something really beautiful too.  We can’t live a better life than the one God intended for us.
Here's a little story from the Bible of how Jesus changed one sad lady’s life into joy.
(Woman of Samaria story slides 12 – 17)




SLIDE 12 - Many years ago, about 2000 actually, there lived a woman who had a very unhappy life. The woman was a Samaritan and things in her life had all gone wrong, she was quite sad. One day the woman went out to get water from the local well.
SLIDE 13 - 2000 years ago and still in some parts of the world today there were no taps and water had to be drawn from a well. Each day people would go out to the well and bring back water for the family to cook and wash with. In the middle east. there were popular times for collecting water usually at the coolest times of the day. But the lady in our story didn’t visit the well when other people were around because her sad life meant that she kept well away from others. But on this day when the woman went to the well there was a stranger sitting there, a man whom she’d never met before. It was Jesus but this lady didn’t know Him, she’d never heard of Jesus.
SLIDE 14 - Then the lady had even more of a shock Jesus started talking to her. This was a big surprise as Jesus was a Jew and Samaritans like her, didn’t have anything to do with Jews, they didn’t get on with each other, didn’t speak to one another. But Jesus knew all about this sad woman’s life and He wanted it to be transformed, changed for something so much better.




SLIDE 15 - As Jesus talked with this lady, she heard the Good News about how she could change and how He could give her a living water that would bubble up into everlasting life.
SLIDE 16 - The woman started to have a joy she’d not experienced before so much so that she quickly made off into the town to tell others that she had met this amazing man called Jesus.
SLIDE 17 - When Jesus’ disciples turned up, they were shocked that Jesus had been talking to a Samaritan woman. But Jesus told them that He must tell everyone the Good News about God’s Love.




SLIDE 18 - Soon many people came to hear Jesus. The woman’s life was changed, she would never be the same again. Jesus had transformed her life from one of sadness to one of joy and purpose.
SLIDE 19 - Jesus is the greatest transformer ever. He died for all the wrong that we’ve all done and came back to life, He is alive today!
SLIDE 20 - So Jesus changes lives, He makes all the difference, He helps us to be kind, caring, and forgiving. He wants to make all the difference in your life too. Jesus is the greatest life transformer ever!

Part 3

Response time (in small groups)

  1. What kind of life had the woman in the story had? (difficult, sad)

  2. Once again in our drama someone tried to get Ed to change his course. What happened? (Ferryman managed to get Ed to board the ferry but the ferry wasn’t going where Ed wanted.)

  3. What should Ed have done? (Followed the guide)

  4. What can we learn from this? (Don’t do something someone asks us if we know it is wrong)

  5. What guide has Jesus given us? (His words in the Bible)


Week 5 drama script, Bible chat & response time Leaders’ notes
Week 5 PowerPoint slides

Hope Island ‘Full-Life’ sign
’Cold drinks for sale here’ sign  

Other Material

There is a video and extended PowerPoint available for the story of the Woman of Samaria. Video as below, The PowerPoint is in the Illustrated Bible stories section of this website.